Max meters row in 5 minutes
Find your 2RM back squat in 4 minutes
Max Muscle Ups in 3 minutes
Max Double Unders in 2 minutes
Max Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) in 1 minute
Rest 5 minutes then...
As many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Burpee box jump overs (30/24 in) x 10 reps
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 10 reps
You must work off of a running clock – there are no rest periods except as noted between the fifth and sixth events. You may use only one barbell for all phases of the day’s events.
Movement standards
Set your erg to exactly a 5:00 timer. This will give you a more accurate score.
Barbell must start from the ground. It begins with an empty barbell. Once the clock clicks over to 5:00, you may advance to your barbell and begin to load. Regular Games standards squats apply. Full depth squat with the crease of the hip below the crease of the knee. Knees and hips must come to full extension at the top.
Once the clock clicks over to 9:00, you may begin to perform as many muscle ups as possible. Ring muscle-ups should be performed to Games standards – full elbow extension at the bottom/hanging position, and full elbow extension at the support position. Your score will be the total number of successful muscle-ups performed in the three minutes.
Once the clock reaches 12:00, you may begin to accumulate as many Double Unders as possible in the two minutes.
Once the clock reaches 14:00, you may begin your 1 minute of max shoulder to overhead. You may have the barbell loaded prior to the minute starting. (May I suggest loading it at the end of your back squats). Regular Games standards apply. Barbell must come to full extension over head with the shoulders and elbows at full extension over the heels. You must show control at the top for the rep to count.
F. Once the clock clicks over to 20:00, you may begin your AMRAP. Standard Games rules apply. On the burpees, chest and thighs must come in contact with the ground prior to standing. You don't not have to come to full extension before jumping. You may clear the box completely or jump on and then jump over. You don't have to come to full extension on the box. For the pull-ups, clavicle and below completes the rep. Arms must come to full extension at the hang.