Monday, April 13, 2015

April 14, 2015

Clean & Jerk
60% x 3+1
65% x 3+1
70% x 3+1
75% x 3+1 x 3

Clean Pull - 95% (of clean) x 3 x 4 

Push Press - 75% x 5 x 5

Three rounds for time of:
20 Box Jump Overs (30"/24")
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

1 comment:

  1. A: 185/ 195/ 210/ 225 x 3 sets
    * Hit one high power, one low power, and one full clean on each set.

    B: 285 for all
    * felt heavy haha!

    C: 175 for all sets
    * Felt good

    D: 6:49
    * Kept a steady pace on the jumps... had to break up the pullups and my butterfly rhythm felt awkward so I had to resort to a regular kip after a little while. I went 10/6/4 ... 8/6/3/3 ... and 6/6/4/2/2
