Monday, April 20, 2015

April 21, 2015

Clean & Jerk
60% x 3+1
65% x 3+1
70% x 3+1
75% x 3+1
80% x 3+1

Clean Pull - 100% (of clean) x 3 x 4 

Push Press 
70% x 5
75% x 5
78% x 5

"Air Elizabeth"

For Time:
Power Clean (135lbs/95lbs)
Ring Dips
*Must Muscle up into the rings and begin your ring dips at extension. Yes, that means your MU doesn't count.

Sorry not sorry


  1. A: 185/ 195/ 210/ 225/ 240
    * Cleans felt good today. Went high power/ low power/ full squat on the cleans.

    B: 300 for all sets
    * Pulls felt pretty good today.

    C: 165/ 175/ 190
    * Push press felt strong today.

    D: 7:04
    * This definitely got spicy quick! Didn't miss any muscle ups which was good, but I still gotta get used to the lower anchored rings we have now. The swing that the dips generate are much more exaggerated now so that made it much more difficult. I was trying to go unbroken on the first set of ring dips but I just missed it!
    Cleans: 9/7/5 .... 6/5/4 ... 5/4
    Dips: 19/2 ... 9/4/2 ... 5/4

    E: Accessory work - Alternating EMOM (20 min)
    Even - 1 rope climb
    Odd - 5 chest to bar pullups

  2. A: 155, 165, 185, 195, 205.
    B: 255, 265
    C: sorry just saw that there was a C part
    D: 5:25
    E: front squats 185 x 5 - 205 x5 3 sets
