Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 22, 2014

Front Squat
70% x 4
75% x 4
78% x 4

Good Morning - 3x5 

Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets)
500m Row
15 Kettlebell Swings (53lbs/35lbs)
15 Toes to Bar

1 comment:

  1. A: 245/ 265/ 275
    * Front squats felt good

    B: 155/ 175/ 185 x 3 sets
    * We decided to do RDL's instead of good mornings. I personally feel it better in my hamstrings and glutes without the added strain on my neck.

    C: 3:11/ 3:12/ 3:22/ 3:23/ 3:22/ 3:23
    * I maintained right around a 1:50 on the row throughout/// Rested 10-12 sec after the row and went unbroken on the swings except for the last two sets where I went 10/5 with 5-7 sec between in order to save my grip for the T2B/// Rested 15 sec after the swings, then went unbroken on the first two sets, 9/6 for three sets, and 6/5/4 on the last set. I just couldn't hold on to the bar anymore lol.

    D: worked on a few handstand walks at the end today and those went well. Just trying to maintain control and not get too crazy.
