Monday, November 4, 2013

November 5, 2013

“Rowling” – 5 frames. 
15 Hollow Rocks between frames.

5 sets of:
1 ¼ Front Squat x 3 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes.

(compare to 8/16/13)

For time:
10 Muscle-ups
75 pound Push press, 100 reps
Row 1000 meters.


  1. A: "Rowling" score - 15

    B: All sets performed at 225

    C: 12:33
    -- The muscle ups took me about 5 min. I just need to keep working on shortening the time between reps and having no missed reps. I think a couple minutes to practice would've helped too.
    -- On the push press, I did the first 35 unbroken, then hit 15-15-15-10-10.
    -- The erg felt good and hit the last 200 m hard.

  2. A: Rowling score-28 need some work on timing my last pull

    B: 135, 185, 185

    C: 12:39 (subbed jumping muscle ups, everything else RX) for the push press I did the first set of 20, then everything sets of 10.

  3. Focused mobility work on my lower back

    10 muscle ups unbroken'
    100 push press was a struggle. Need to focus on building up shoulder strength.
    1 mile on airdyne instead of erg due to lower back issue. I now have a new relationship with the airdyne!!
