Monday, September 30, 2013

October 1, 2013

3 sets not for time of:
Frog Stand x 30 seconds
Bar Muscle-Ups x 3-6 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 10-12 reps

5 sets of:
High-Hang Clean + Jerk x 3+1
Perform 3 high-hang cleans then 1 jerk (push or split).
Rest 2-3 minutes.

3 sets for max reps of:
1 minute of Ring Dips
Rest 30 seconds
1 minute of Farmers Walk (50 ft)
Rest 30 seconds
1 minute of Box Jumps (24/20)
Rest 2 minutes.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 30, 3013

5 rounds of:
Touch & Go Power Snatch x 7 reps
Alternate with partners, make sure you get at least 1 minute of rest.

Back Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

AMR in 12 minutes of:
Row 250 meters
25 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
50 Double-Unders

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 27, 2013

5 sets of:
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep
-rest as needed

15 minutes to build to a “heavy-ish” Snatch for the day
-Not necessarily a 1RM but a heavy rep for the day.

Complete with a partner:
8 minutes Row for max meters
Rest 2 min
4 minutes max Burpees
Rest 1 min
2 minutes max Rope Climbs (15 ft)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 25, 2013

Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Clean (mid-thigh) + Clean (below the knee)

Below the knee should be 2″ below the knee – plates off the ground, lats engaged, pause for 1 second, and then clean.

Complete rounds of 15, 10 and 5 reps of:
115/75 lb Thruster
Burpees Over the Barbell

You do not have to stand at full hip extension as you go over the barbell. This should be FAST, so stay low and keep your self-talk positive (don’t feel sorry for yourself).

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 24, 2013

3 sets not for time:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups x 10-12 reps
Nose-to-wall Handstand Hold x 60-90 Sec
Roll to candlestick x 8-10 reps

5 sets of:
1 Press + 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
Rest 2-3 minutes.

5 sets each for max reps:
45 sec Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 15 seconds 
45 sec Strict Pull-Ups 
Rest 15 seconds
45 sec Strict Ring Dips 
Rest 90 seconds

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 23, 2013

Back Squat
* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 75%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
* Set 5 – Max Reps @ 80%
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes

1 Snatch
20 Double Unders
*Increase load on snatch 10 lbs every minute. If lift is failed, go back down to your last successful load and finish out the remainder of the EMOM.

3 sets of:
Barbell Roll-Outs x 6-9 reps
GHD Back-Extensions x 10-12 reps

Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

15-20 minutes – handstand drills:
options include:
-pike to headstand
-headstand to handstand 
-free standing HSPU
-static holds
-wall runs

So, you got options!

3 sets of:

Rest 2 minutes.

5 sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Mid-Hang Snatch
Rest 2-3 minutes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 18, 2013

3 sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps

Every 90 seconds for 18 minutes (12 sets)
Sets 1-3: Clean & Jerk x 2 reps (65-70%)
Sets 4-7: Clean & Jerk x 1 rep (75-80%)
Sets 8-12: Clean & Jerk x 1 rep (85-90%)

3 sets of:
Clean High Pulls x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes.

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 17, 2013

3 sets not for time:
Muscle-Ups x 4-6 reps
Forward Rolls x 5 reps (adv – done from free handstand)
V-Ups x 15-20 reps

Deadlift – build quickly to 3RM for the day 


Teams of 2

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Deadlifts (135/85) (165/105)
15 Burpees
10 Pull Ups

- Then -
3 minute max effort Clean Thrusters (135/85) (165/105)
- Then -
10 minute time cap:

400m row
30 KB swings (53/35)
30 Toes To Bar
1 Rope Climb

* Partners can be tagged in/out during the first 10 minute AMRAP. Partners can alternate thrusters, and last 10 minutes is follow the leader style.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 16, 2013

Back Squat
* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%
* Sets 4-8 – 2 reps @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Every minute for 18 minutes rotating thru 3 stations:
Minute 1 – 5 Touch and Go Snatches (athlete choice)
Minute 2 – 10/6 Handstand Push-ups
Minute 3 – 50 Double-unders (push for unbroken)

2 sets of:
GHD Sit-ups x 20-25 reps
Glute-Ham Raises x 10-12 reps

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 13, 2013

Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes:
Odd- Ring Dips x 10/7 reps (ADVANCED MUSCLE-UP TO RING DIP)
Even- Strict Pull-Up x 6-8 reps (Chest to Bar, if possible)

5 sets of:
Clean x 1.1 @ 85-90
-Rest 10 seconds in between reps

Against a 9 minute clock:
1 mile partner relay run
Max Overhead Squats (115/75) 

Score = mile time + # of squats

Partners have the option of performing OHS while the other is running their 400m leg. Once the mile is done, only one partner may be performing OHS at a time for the remainder of the 9 minutes, but they may switch at will.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 12, 2013


Today is a rest day - an active rest day. It is not a "we don't have Comp class so I'll jump in with one of the regular classes" day. Physical and mental restoration is as important an aspect of our training as the actual in-the-gym training itself. Recommendations for our active rest days:

  • 30-45 minutes aerobic restoration - keep this at an easy effort (60-70%). Run, hike, row, swim, bike, paddle board, &c. Get outside if possible. Involve your friends, family, teammates. Make the activity enjoyable. 
  • 20-30 minutes (more is better) MOBILITY WORK. We harp on you about this. We'll continue to harp on you about this. Take care of your trouble areas. Our primary concern as coaches is injury avoidance and prevention. Simply put, if you're injured, you can't train. You can't train, you can't improve. Stay healthy, gang. It's a long season. 
  • Create (and enforce) a "Crossfit-free" space in your life. Beyond our aerobic restoration & mobility work, take the rest of the day off from your Crossfit preoccupations. Don't ruminate on past disappointments, or get anxious about what tomorrow's programming will be, or how long it's been since you've PR'ed. Crossfit is a value-added enhancement to our lives, NOT our all-consuming focus. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 11, 2013

3 sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed.

Jerk Balance demo

Take 15-20 min to build to a 1RM Split Jerk

4 rounds for time of:
20 Push Press (95/65)
15 Pull-ups
10 Bar-facing Burpees

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 10, 2013

5 sets of:
Drop Snatch x 1 rep

5 sets of:
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch
Rest 2 minutes.

3 sets of:
Tempo Snatch Grip Deadlifts(3031) x 4-6 reps

15 minutes of team continuous HEAVY sled drag 
-one person goes down and back and then rotates with partner.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 9, 2013

2 sets for times of:
Pull-Ups x 20/15 reps
GHD Sit-Ups x 20 reps
Rest 2 minutes.

Front Squat – using 1RM Clean
Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (6 sets)
Front Squat x 5 reps

3 sets for times of:
20 T2B
20 Hand-release Push-ups
2 Rope Climb – 15 ft
Rest 2 minutes.

Record results to comments below.


Hey guys, this is where we will be posting the competition workout templates daily. We will post the the next day's template the night before around 10 pm ish. We encourage everyone to not only post their results but lets create an online community that our members can be excited about.