Monday, September 16, 2013

September 17, 2013

3 sets not for time:
Muscle-Ups x 4-6 reps
Forward Rolls x 5 reps (adv – done from free handstand)
V-Ups x 15-20 reps

Deadlift – build quickly to 3RM for the day 


Teams of 2

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Deadlifts (135/85) (165/105)
15 Burpees
10 Pull Ups

- Then -
3 minute max effort Clean Thrusters (135/85) (165/105)
- Then -
10 minute time cap:

400m row
30 KB swings (53/35)
30 Toes To Bar
1 Rope Climb

* Partners can be tagged in/out during the first 10 minute AMRAP. Partners can alternate thrusters, and last 10 minutes is follow the leader style.


  1. A. All sets done.
    B. 345
    C. 10 + 20 D.Ls, 3 c.t, 9:10.

  2. A. Getting closer to hitting a muscle-up so that's good still progressing, hopefully I'll get it soon.

    B. (315, 365, 425, 440x1)

    C. As a team we got through 10 rds + 20 deadlifts
    - We hit 13 clean thrusters (I hit ten and Josh hit 3)
    - 9:10 on the last piece.

    My back is destroyed holy hell lol

  3. A. Finally got a kipping muscle up instead of just strict ones!
    B. 205 for 3RM. 225 for one. PR!!!
    C. Anji and I did 5 rounds and I did 4 clean thrusters. Had to leave early for work.
    My back is smoked!!

  4. A. First 2 sets of muscle ups unbroken. 3rd set worked on more of a dedicated transition from extension to flexion. Felt better/faster. Forward rolls felt smooth. Stoked I'm finally bringing my feet in on my handstand walks. V-ups were a little uncomfortable on the back. Need to mobilize.

    B. 315 for a triple. Felt good. Probably have a little more in the tank.

    C. 10+20 - 0 thrusters for me :( - 9:10. Thrusters still a glaring weakness for me.

    Definitely felt metabolically de-conditioned from where I was a few weeks ago, but it felt good getting back in to it. Movement patterns felt (for the most part) pretty solid throughout the session. Happy to be getting back on track.
