Monday, March 3, 2014

March 4, 2013

Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Snatch x 1.1.1
(rest 10 seconds between reps)

Five sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Shoulder to Overhead
rest two minutes

Loads: (95/65), (115/75), (135/95), (155/105), (175/115)

As many rounds and reps in 6 minutes of:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
7 Ring Dips (w/ a 5 second support hold at top)

rest 3 minutes..

As many rounds and reps in 5 minutes of:
20 Wall Ball Shots (20lbs/14lbs)
10 Burpees


  1. A: 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 155, 155, 155, 155, 165
    * Didn't feel too bad but some of the reps were a little sloppy on various parts of the lift. Back was definitely feeling it toward the end.

    B: 95 (37), 115 (27), 135 (22), 155 (18), 175 (13)
    * These felt pretty good. I feel like my body recovered quickly after each set and started relatively fresh. Started with push press on the first two lighter sets before moving to the jerk. 135 went 6/5/4/3/4... 155 went 5/4/3/3/3... 175 went 4/3/2/2/2... so I kept a good pace throughout.

    C: 3 + 10 (61 total)
    * The first set of C2B felt really good, nice n smooth. Second set went 5/3/2 singles, 3rd went 3/3/singles, and 4th went all singles ... The ring dips were rough with those 5 second holds, 5/2 on 1st, 2/2/singles on 2nd, all singles on 3rd.

    D: 3 + 9 (99 total)
    * First set of WB were unbroken besides a drop, 2nd was 10/5/5, 3rd was all 5's, 4th was mostly singles ... Burpees were fine I kept a consistent fast pace on those I think.

  2. A: used 135 throughout. Missed on a couple reps. Foot work was slow toaday and had some lazy lockouts at the top.

    B: 95(29), 115(18), 135(12), 155(7), 175(3)
    shoulder to overhead is still one of my weaknesses. had several missed attempts at the 175.

    C: 3 + 10(61)
    first set of c2b and ring dips/holds unbroken. then had to partition 2nd round. Ring dip/holds became very difficult and made the c2b tough afterwards. Ended up cycling quick singles on the c2b in the last round

    D: 2 + 26
    first set unbroken. The burpees are not my friends and I had to start partitioning the wall balls by the 2nd round. Need to dig deeper on the burpees and cycle them quicker!!

  3. A. I used 75# for 6 sets and 85# for the other 4 i can feel my body fighting a cold so I took it easy MY feet were very lazy but no fails

    B. 65 I got 22, 75 I got 17, 95 I got 10, 105 I got 8 and 115 I got 5 I had to split jerk at the end with how fatigued I felt

    c. 2 rounds plus 10 c2b and 3 dips. I felt pretty terrible the whole time

    D. I got exactly 3 rounds with 2 seconds left I was able to pick the ball up but not throw it.. does that count for anything? I used at 25# ball
