Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 28, 2014

Hey squad,

So did I tell you or did I tell you!

Perfectly designed workout to end this year on. Being the nerd I am, I decided to break down Rich's un-real performance tonight.

Final Time - 8:26

Round 21 - :39/1:07
Round 18 - :35/1:00
Round 15 - :30/:49
Round 12 - :25/:41
Round 9   - :20/:32
Round 6   - :14/:19
Round 3   - :5/:8

Now, let's break that down per rep in seconds

Round 21 - 1.8/3.2
Round 18 - 1.9/3.3
Round 15 - 2.0/3.2
    Round 12 - 2.08/3.41
Round 9 - 2.2/3.5
Round 6 - 2.3/3.1
Round 3 - 1.6/2.6

I don't know what that looks like to you guys, but to me, that looks like perfection. We talk about coming out of the gate hard but still sub-maximal. He then by the middle rounds, settled into a pace that would allow him to maintain his effort. By the end, he was able to cut transition time and finish strong. 

Noticed what the other athletes did at the beginning, mainly Sam. She went hard.. very hard. And then boom.. fell off, quickly. 

Rich had a total of 489 seconds of work (thrusters and burpees). Total workout time was 506 seconds.

506-489 = 17 seconds of transitions

17 secs / 6 transitions = 2.83 seconds.

The man was able to keep a pace of 2 thrusters per second and a rough average of 3 seconds per burpee and was able to keep his transition time sub 3 seconds. 

Team, I'm by no means telling you, that you need/have to move just as fast. Because lets face it, a lot of people in this world will or can not maintain that speed. 

But, I am just showing you all the importance of moving with a purpose and a plan. There is nobody better at that in this sport than Rich. Which is why he is so dominant. He is able to stick to HIS gameplan and nobody else's.

With that said squad, let's have some fun!

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