Monday, March 24, 2014

March 25, 2013

Three sets not for time:
Strict Handstand Push Up x 8-10 reps
L-Sit x :45-:60 secs
Strict Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps

Three Sets for times:
Row 250m
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
50 Double Unders  
rest 3 minutes

Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Odd - 10 GHD Sit-ups
Even - 10 GHD Hip Extensions


  1. A. Pushups are getting much better. I can hit up tp 3 in a row with 2 pads. Which is a big improvement for only doing these one other time and hardly being able to do one. L-sits werent too bad, had to bend my knees a little bit cause i couldnt fully extend my legs. I did 10-15 sec intervals. Pullups were fun. I can almost get one strict pullup which is also a very big improventment. I was really really close to getting my chin over but im just not quit there...YET. When i first started, i could barley get 1 strict pullup with the band and now i can just about do one by myself. Im happy about that.

    B. 4:44 on first set. My power snatches were extremely rusty since ive been out of the gym for a while and forgot how to lift at a fast pace. so i was wobbling all over the place and the weight felt heavier than i thought. My DU actually werent too bad this set and finished in a decent time. 2nd and 3rd set were horrible and took over 10 minutes because of my DU and i got pretty frustrated so im not sure of the exact time cause i didnt care after it had been 10 minutes. But they have defintely improved as well and am very proud of my self for that.

    C. No problems here. Finished in 24 secs on sit ups and 19 seconds on extensions. I was consistant each round.

  2. A: 8 hspu each rd. 1st rd unbroken. second rd 6 and 2. third rd 3,2,1,1,1
    L-sits were 10-15 second interval-needs work. Pullups unbroken.

    rd 1- 1:57
    rd 2- 2:03
    rd 3- 2:10
    managed everything unbroken except for the final set of snatches. went 5,2,2,1. Shouldve forced myself to hold onto the bar and go. But I did do all DU unbroken and my pace from start to finish was pretty consistant. Only a :13 second differnce. Feel pretty good about this one today.

    C: completed

  3. Tues March 25

    A. Done. Strict hand stand push ups I did 8 reps and had to use a
    small jacket under my head. Kipping has taken my stregnth so thanks
    coach for making us work on that! I got better as we went on and I was
    able to do 8 unbroken at the end.

    Woah L sits I couldnt hold it for longer then 10-15 seconds at a
    time. I made a mental note to work on that

    Pull ups felt good

    B. I ran 300 m instead on rowing. The first round was 2:46 second was
    3:06 I brok three times on the double unders and last the time was
    2:48 I broke 4 times on doubles unders because I went so fast on the
    run and unbroken power snatches my tired self could not keep a rythm.
    14:46 overall

    C. Done

  4. A: complete
    * The strict HSPU are getting a little better, I think I got 4 unbroken this time. I still have to use one of the abmats though so I need to get away from that at some point... I freaking hate L-sits and I probably always will lol

    - 2:15
    - 2:22
    - 2:08
    * The DU still aren't comfortable for me when I'm fatigued, especially when it's my shoulders and arms. I went to almost a pure muscle snatch on the last set and I think it saved me some time, along with gutting through the last 15 DU by bringing my knees up. Bad form I know but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do lol

    C: complete

    D: Bar MU practice with scotty. 4:00 on the clock, we alternated (me doing doubles; scott triples) until we hit a few singles at the end. We got 35 total MU which I thought was pretty good!
