Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 24, 2014

Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
rest 2 minutes

6 Sets Of:
Clean + Hang Clean
rest as needed

Two Sets for Times:
Run 800m
50 Burpees
rest 5 minutes

Alright team, week 5 is upon us. Let's stay focused and finish strong!

Also, I said there will be a "punishment" for everyone who failed to put their equipment away the morning we did the T2B and WBS couplet. 

Well, here it is..

100+ word essay on some of the things you have learned about yourself this competition season (good and bad). I want you to also mention what you believe you can do better for next season. Lastly, you will create a list of 5 goals that you want to accomplish for competitive CF.

I know every single individual who was present that day. So, if you fail to post what I've requested, then I will politely ask you to re-evaluate why you are here in the first place.

Those who were not present, you are more than welcome and encouraged to write something up as well! I would love to read them!

-Coach B


  1. Today I attempted to redo my 14.4. My goal was to possibly get a couple more muscle ups at the end by changing some of the rep scheme from the first time. Everything was going according to plan. The only thing I didn't change was the row and I still got off 2 secs faster. I actually got to the muscle ups 11 sec faster than last time, but still missed my last total by 2 reps. I wasn't overly tired and I was trying to focus on technique, but I also tried the rings that were anchored lowered and I'm just not used to feel of those and that might have thrown me off a bit. Still glad I tried it again.

    I'll post again tonight but I gotta go to work!

  2. A: 205, 245, 275, 295, tried a PR @ 305-missed Ill get that next time.

    B: 135, 185, 185, 205, 225, 225 Cleans felt pretty good today.

    C: first rd 7:22, second round wanted to beat my first time- got 7:11.

    So here goes on the essay

    I guess to start out, one of the things Ive learned this competition season is that when coach B says to make sure we put our equipment away, WE BETTER PUT OUR EQUIPMENT AWAY!!!
    I guess Ill start out with one of the negative thing Ive learned about myself. Ive learned that Im a little bit weak in the mental part of my training. I have had a tendency to not dig as deep as I know I can at times. And I guess on the flip side of that is that I have learned that I have more in me than sometimes I give myself credit for and when I am able to mentally break through those barriers, amazingly, my body does what I tell it to. Ive also learned the value of the training I do outside the gym. By this I mean taking care of myself by getting myself adjusted regularly, listening to my body and resting when its time to rest. By doing some homework on myself more regularly with my mobility and stretching. I also think Ive really learned and progressed as a competitor by really learning how to pace myself through any given workout. I think this is probably where Ive grown the most. I feel really confident with whatever is thrown at me as a competitor because I know mentally Im able to create a plan that will get me through it.
    Some of the things that I plan to try and do better this season are to be a better teammate and leader to all of our team. Be not just a teammate but a coach and motivator to my fellow athletes pushing alongside me. And for myself, I think what I really want to try and do better going into this next season is to fine tune my eating habits to better fuel my performance in training and in upcoming competitions. I want to spend some additional time fine tuning some of my weaknesses and I guess this kind of segways into some more specific goals I have for myself.
    My midline is a weakness of mine and I will be doing more targeted homework outside of training to help strengthen it.
    More specific and targeted goals for myself would be:
    -12' unassisted handstand walk in the next 3 months.
    -My split Jerk technique isn't the best. Id like to see my split jerk increase to 250. This is probably more realistically a 6 month target.
    -We are in a competitors class and we are training to compete. I want to participate in at least 4-5 competitions throughout the spring/summer/fall and my goal would be to be on the podium at each of these. (Ill be looking for masters classes of course!)
    On my lifts, here would be my goals for the next 6 months
    back squat-375
    front squat-320
    split jerk- 250
    snatch- 225

    I REALLY feel like I personally have made huge strides over these past few months and I appreciate all of my teammates and of course the coaches for helping me get there. Im looking forward to this coming year and reaching my goals and competing alongside each of you.

  3. I started attending the competitors class in February and haven't even considered quitting. I absolutely love the intensity of the class and the other competitors. So thank you for allowing me to begin on this new path of crossfit at this gym. I am so, so, sooo exited to see myself (and everyone else) continue to grow into a stronger and faster athlete(s) over the upcoming months. As for my experience with this season, I have learned that I feel very invigorated by the environment generated at the open sessions we held at the gym. I look forward to revisiting that feeling! The open has also made me realize how FAR I need to go to be a much stronger and well-rounded athlete. With that said, I cannot to be there one day and look back on where I was.
    1) My first goal is stop allowing fear of failure to prevent me from testing my limits.
    2) To have a super-stellar-enviable-magical-tastic SNATCH. hurhur.
    3) To maintain a healthy and balance lifestyle, in all aspects.
    4) To get light feet on box jumps and running.
    5) Muscle Ups, like duh.

  4. Probably the biggest thing I have learned this year is that competing should be a fun thing, sounds intuitive but it isn’t so easy to remember. I have a tendency to put a lot of pressure on myself to perform while at the same time withholding some part of my drive that would allow me to push farther. Therefore I am disappointed when I don’t meet the standard that I set for myself (the standard which in my head I never thought I would make anyways). I am attempting to counter this mentality by allowing myself to have good days and bad days and to not set expectations for myself. Ultimately I enjoy working out and being healthy and strong, I need to hang on to those things and not measure myself against anyone else. Since beginning Crossfit (about a year ago) I have also learned that there are many aspects to being a well-rounded athlete that I neglected before. The biggest has to be mobility. I feel I have grown to appreciate the effectiveness of mobilizing before and after a workout and see it as a tool that will majorly benefit me as I continue to be a competitive athlete. In preparation for next season I would like to strengthen my shoulder/upper back to prevent myself from further shoulder damage while doing overhead work. Also preparing for next year, I want to focus my diet so it is more beneficial to training. I think if I fueled my body better I would see a dramatic improvement in overall performance. Now for my goals…I have a hard time pinning stuff down…
    1. Be able to do Muscle Ups efficiently-link them
    2. Improve squat maxes-I don’t have specific numbers, I just know I want to squat more than I do now
    3. Efficient chest to bar pull ups/butterfly normal pull ups
    4. Participate in several Crossfit competitions this year
    5. Implement and maintain a diet that assists my training

  5. During this competitive season I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that even after a lifetime of competitive football, I still love to compete. I have learned that the sport of fitness is a perfect fit for me because not only am I competing with others, but I'm also competing against myself, which is just as important. I have learned that I have a lot of strengths, but I have learned even more about my weaknesses and the fact that they will be exposed whether I want them to or not, unless I do something about it. The slogan "better than yesterday" is something I've been striving for over the past year and it amazes me to see how far I've come in that time... I've learned that no matter how tired I think I am, I can usually keep going, but on the flip side of that, I've also learned that when I am very fatigued, it becomes easier for me to lose focus and become inaccurate. I've learned that is is just as important to be smart and ration out my reserves, as it is to put the hammer down and dig deep when it matters most... I've learned that quitting is never an option. Every time I think about quitting, I think about all the people to don't even get the opportunity to quit, because they are unable to try. I've learned that even though time may have expired, finishing the workout still means something... I've learned that failure is relative, and that even though you may not have succeeded today, there's always another day... I've learned that even though I'm not on a football team anymore, being a good teammate is just as important as ever... I've learned that self-confidence is a must if you want to be successful. Sometimes I am too critical of myself, which leads to anger and frustration, when I really need focus and determination... I've learned that even though you may have the best coaches in the region (which I believe we undoubtedly do), sometimes you have to trust yourself and your instincts because nobody knows you better than you do... I've learned that coaches won't always hold your hand and sometimes you have to discover the answer on your own... I've learned that mobility is key if you want to survive... I've learned that warming up is just as important... I've learned that PR's feel really good!! I've learned that sometimes the things you hate doing, are exactly what you need... But most of all, I've learned that I am grateful for the gift I have been given; to do something I love to do.

    1 - I want to improve my olympic and power lifting.
    2 - I want to improve my pullup endurance and technique.
    3 - I want to improve my muscle up proficiency and be able to hit consistent doubles no matter the circumstance.
    4 - I want to become a contender for every competition that I enter.
    5 - I want to qualify for regionals next year.

    Sorry it was so long. Hope it's ok!

  6. A: 205/225/245/245/245 Didn't go for a 1rep max, kept it just below my max, feeling very tired this morning, and started out with some pain in my right knee. Also wasn't springing out of the bottom on the first few, got better on the last 2.
    B: 135/155/175/185/185/185 Still working on moving my feet out, and extending up instead of pushing my hips out. my cleans have come a long way, but I have lots of room for improvement.
    C:7:52 and 8:15. Tried to keep the same pace on the run and just push through the burpees on round two...

    100+ word essay in the works, just trying to organize my thoughts and decide on my main goals.

  7. Monday
    A. Front squats
    155, 165,175,185 195 failed it twice. That is my PR that i got two
    weeks ago but the last two weeks i have failed it!!! grrr

    B I absolutley hate hang cleans and have not been able to do more than
    115 ever but today I think i started to really focus and I felt so
    much better. I can feel why people like them more than full cleans.. I
    was excited but I failed some

    115, 115, 120,120, failed once then re did, 125 fail 125 success 125 success

    C. I was on a mission today and it felt great 7:05 for the first round
    than 6:55 for the second


    I was not there for the failed clean up but hey we are a team so I
    will post and essay with you all as well. Over the last compeition
    season I have learned more about myself than I have in a long time. I
    moved away and have come to find that being away from crossfit for
    three months was torture but rather cleansing as well. Before
    moving I was definetly frustrated with myslf as an athlete for not
    performing, yet I failed to see why. I had been overtraining and not
    giving my body the proper amount of rest and attention it needed in
    order to perform. That time off really gave me an appreciation of the
    training time I do get at the gym and really kept me working hard. I
    came back kicking my old walls down and smashing my old PRs by over
    20# per lift. Most importantly Ive learned to not take crossfit so
    seriously. It is just exercise at the end of the day, and although it
    means a shit ton to me I do better when I just keep it fun. I have
    well surpassed my expectations this year in the open. The possibility
    of almost qualifying for regionals has surprised me the most because
    it has really just felt so much less stressful than last year. I have
    had a blast doing these work outs and I am surprised at how well I do
    each time. I will admit that this past weekend I had been a little
    anxious about the possibility of qualifying. My anxiety got the best
    of me and I decided to walk away and come back. Coach B reminded me
    that it was just fun and he sent me home to relax eat a big dinner and
    try again. I did just that and I came back to my team mates screwing
    around and playing soccer before I began 14.4 and you know what.. It
    worked. Sometimes you just need to have a little fun. I love this new
    found calm I have found with in myself and I feel like it influences
    my daily life. Crossfit has taught me that nothing is too much of a
    challenge and that I can basically kick its ass.

    Goals for this year:

    Continue to stay calm during live competitions and have fun

    work on gymnastics specifically consistant muscle ups by june

    300 # dead lift in 6 months that a 20# pr

    Snatch 120# in 6 months Clean 150# in the next 3 months

    Hang clean a lot more to develop speed at the hips

    Put more weight overhead to develop a better understanding where I should be.

  8. My Essay

    After only 5 months in crossfit, i have learned so much about myself. I have a quitters mentality for starters. In the begging anytime something got hard for me i would immediatley wnt to quit and told myself that this sucked and i would never be able to do anything. I am now in the process of changing that and i have noticed major improvements because of it. I have also learned that i am strong as hell and that i have some awesome strengths that i never knew i had, but because of that i always want to be farther ahead than what i actually am and i push myself way too hard. This tells me that i do want to be here though and that i actually plan on going somewhere.
