Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 3, 2014

Five Sets of:
Front Squats x 2-3 reps @ 75-80%
rest as needed

Six sets of:
Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk
rest 2 minutes

As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
10 DB Push Press (45lbs/25lbs)
20 Calories 
(Air Dyne or Rower)
30 Hollow Rocks


  1. A: 225 x 3, 245 x 3, 275 x 3, 295 x 2, 315 x 2
    * Felt good even though I'm still sore as hell from saturday.

    B: 185, 205, 225, 235, 235
    * Speed was good, but my left shoulder still has that twinge of pain in the rear delt when I jerk which is annoying.

    C: 4 + 39 (279)
    * The hollow rocks took forever and sucked lol

    D: Did some muscle up practice at the end

  2. A and B. couldnt do, do to back strain. But worked on mobility, stretched the area and did a few back squats to get some weight on my legs.

    C. 3+3 (183)
    Didnt have a problem with DB push press, i probably could have done a bit heavier to work on getting stonger cause the last time i did these with the 25# i could barely get 3 in a row so my strength has gone up dramatically. Rowing was cool, no problems there. The hollow rocks were pretty tough, i could get about 6 in a row and then had to break them up.

    D. Watched Jeff do muscle up practice

  3. A: Started at 100x3 ended with 135x3
    *Felt good, which was a nice change. Didn't feel like I had to fight through them.

    B: 80, 100, 110, 115
    *Liked doing hang cleans it was a nice change. Kept the load a little lighter because I am still worried about my shoulder. Can feel it when I jerk.

    C: 3 rounds + 2 DB press
    *Really hated the hollow rocks. Made me realize I need to work core more often.

  4. A. First set was at 115 3 reps the remainder were at 165# 2 reps felt pretty good today

    B. 95#, then 115 for the other 5 I really need to work on the hang clean I felt good but was afraid I couldnt do more with the hang clean

    C.3 rounds 10 presses and 20 calories..

  5. A:185/195/205/215/225 (PR for triple!!!)
    B: 135/135/145/155/165(PR CnJ!!)/175(High Hang and Full Clean, failed on Jerk)
    C:3 round plus 17
    Then 1 mile run-thanks for pushing me through Jenny

  6. A: 115lbs weight was manageable.
    B: 80lbs i can see small improvements on my form.
    C: 2+34. the strict press was difficult to do. On the lase set of 5. Its good that we are working on getting stronger.
