Monday, May 12, 2014

May 13, 2014

Bench Press

*We are starting a new cycle these next four weeks. I want you to add 5 lbs to your previous 1rm that you used last cycle. Again, add 5 lbs to your previous 1rm not your training max. Then, I want you to take 90% of your newest 1rm and find your new training max.

5 reps @ 65% of "Training Max"
5 reps @ 75% of "Training Max"
5+ reps @ 85% of "Training Max"

Three rounds for time of:
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups
30 Pullups
*I know it says for time and I want you guys to move as quickly as possible, but I also want you to focus on the quality movement as well. 

3 rounds for time:
10 Alternating DB Snatch (70 lbs/50 lbs)
200 ft Shuttle Sprint (50 ft down and back x 2)
10 Box Jumps (30 in/24 in)


  1. A: used 280 as my new 1rm making my training max 250
    5@ 165
    hit 10 @ 215 Happy with the progress on the bench!!

    B: finished 2 full rds in the time limit
    did the first 17 hspu rx and then hit the dreaded wall and could push out any more. Finished the rest still strict but with one pad on the floor.

    C: 5:14 I HATE BOX JUMPS!!!!!!!!

  2. A: used 290 for my new 1RM which made my training max 260.
    - 170, 195, 220 x 11
    * Bench felt good just gotta keep it up!

    B: 24:46
    * I had to do all the sets of strict HSPU with a yoga mat and an ab mat under my head. Not quite strong enough to do it without a pad yet but I'm hoping to get there soon. The pullups weren't too bad. I went 12/6/6/6 , 12/8/5/5 , 12/5/4/3/2/2/2

    C: 3:53
    * I pretty much treated this like a sprint and tried not to stop the entire time. Missed a couple reps on my last set of box jumps which was frustrating.

    D: Hand stand walk practice. Went 50 ft down and back. Shoulders are feeling it!
