Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 21, 2014

5 sets of:
Power Clean x 3 reps 

80% x 4 reps
87.5% x 3 reps 
95% x 2 reps

Good Morning - 28%x5x3 (% of Back Squat)

3 Rounds for Time:
7 Hang Power Cleans (165/110)
21 Double Unders

rest 4 min...

100 Cal AirDyne Sprint

1 comment:

  1. A: 185, 205, 225, 225, 245
    * Power cleans felt pretty good today. I've never pulled 245 for a triple so that was good even though I missed one of them.

    B: 350, 385, 420
    * Deadlifts are coming back which is exciting. Haven't pulled that heavy in a while. My lower back was definitely feeling it after those cleans.

    C: 95 for all 3 sets
    * I don't know what it is but the good mornings have been hurting my lower back and something pops in my back when I come up to full extension which is why I have to go light.

    D: 1:50 --> 3:09
    * The hang cleans were fine until the last set when the grip started to go so I had to take a breath before the 4th and 5th rep... I think I got the first 2 rounds of DU unbroken but broke on the last set twice unfortunately.
    * The bike wasn't too bad. Hit the first 30 calories at about 90%, kicked it down to about 80% from 30 - 75 cal, and then went all out on the last 25.

    E: Did a few sets of handstand walk as well as practicing holding a handstand with a spot.
