Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 21, 2014

5 sets of:
Front Squat + Power Jerk

Shoulder to Overhead x 20 reps
*start at a weight that will allow you to finish all reps*

As many rounds and reps as possible, in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (70lbs/53lbs)
16 Cals on AirDyne

Three sets of:
Pendlay Row x 5 reps
rest 60-90 seconds
GHD Sit Up x 10 reps
rest 60-90 seconds

1 comment:

  1. A: 185, 205, 215, 225, 235
    * Felt good, but the last jerk was a little soft on the lockout.

    B: Attempted 185 and got 18 reps
    * That was rough, but in hindsight I think I should've just tried to push through the whole thing instead of stopping at 14. I stopped to take a rest but when I did that the fatigue hit me like a brick wall!

    C: 10 + 23
    * I felt like a kept a good pace the whole time. My goal was 10 rounds so I hit that! All my gymnastics felt good and clean and I didn't fail any reps so that was good!

    D: Complete
