Monday, November 3, 2014

November 4, 2014

Three sets, not for time of:
Muscle Up x 6-8 reps
Kneeling Jump x 3 reps

5 sets of:
Strict Press x 1 @ 90+%

4 sets, each for time of:
15 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
10 Deadlifts (185lbs/120lbs)
5/3 Strict Handstand Push Ups
-rest 2 min

Three sets of:

 GHD Hip Extensions x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
(go as heavy as possible, but maintain good scap mechanics and range of motion, and stick to the tempo – 5 second rest at the bottom, 5 second hold at top)
Rest as needed

"Optional Conditioning"

Two sets of:
Run 2 Miles (3200 Meters) @ 80-85% of your 1600 meter PR pace
Rest 5 minutes
(try to make it slightly faster than last weeks)


  1. 3 sets not for time
    False grip strict attempts 1, 1, 1,
    Banded muscle ups 4, 4, 4
    Kneeling jump x3 3, 3, 3

    Strict press 90+ x1 x5
    155, 160, 165, 175, 190f

    15 box jump overs 24
    10 deadlifts 185
    5 strict hspu
    Rest 2mins
    Repeat 4 times
    1:04, 59, 58, 56
    It was like I wrote that WOD :)

    3 sets
    8 ghd hip extension 8, 8, 8
    Bat wings x5 515 tempo 5, 5, 5,

    Worked on my muscle up progressions and had attempts. Gotta get that bastard soon.

  2. A: 6,6,6 all un brocken, did box jumps for the second movement.
    C: I averaged about 1:25 per set. finished the whole workout a close to 12min. (knee felt ok on the box jumps but I still took it light)
    D: I rowed 3,500 with time of 14min.

  3. A: Had to do handstand walks instead of muscle ups because of my hand.

    B: 135, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170 (15# PR)
    * Felt good today!

    - 1:56
    - 2:20
    - 1:16
    - 1:03
    * Used a very small kip on the last two rounds.

    D: Complete
