Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 20, 2013

Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy Snatch
(let feel dictate the load – if you feel good, shoot for a new 1-RM, if you feel slow, work lower percentages for speed and mechanics)

Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy Clean & Jerk
(as with snatch, let feel dictate the load)

As many rounds and reps in 4 minutes of:
Deadlift (315/205) x 3 reps
Handstand Push ups x 6 reps

-rest 2 minutes then...

As many rounds and reps in 4 minutes of:
Deadlift (275/185) x 3 reps
Handstand Push ups x 6 reps

-rest 2 minutes then...

As many rounds and reps in 4 minutes of:
Deadlift (225/155) x 3 reps
Handstand Push ups x 6 reps

1 comment:

  1. A: Finally hit 200# on the snatch today for e new PR!!! Thanks Drew and Brian!! Been working towards that as a goal for awhile now.

    B: settled on 225# for C&J today. Still working on that explosive DROP under the bar.

    C: 4, 3+4, 2+6
    Wasnt goona deadlift for awhile but did RX today on the deads. Feeling it a bit but not too bad.
