Friday, December 27, 2013

December 28, 2013

1.5 mile run

Rest 5 minutes...then 

For time:
50 Pull-ups 
40 Hand Stand Push-Ups 
30 Hang Cleans (225/135)
20 Snatches (155/105)
10 Muscle Ups

Time Cap: 25 minutes

I know that may not seem like a long time guys, but this is not a test of your fitness. You are all physically capable of finishing this workout. We want to see who is mentally tough enough to stay moving when they do not want to. So, with that said, please stick to the time cap. 


  1. Hey guy's! Okay so I thought I kept a good pace overall. I need to work on cycling heavy loads, being more mentally tough and releasing the hook grip in the rack position.

  2. Since I didn't really do this workout, I'm going to list what I did do really quick, then talk about where I need to improve.
    Airdyne-3.67 miles in 12:20 (I usually pace myself on runs with Scott, so I just kept working until he finished his run)
    50 pullups (sets of 5 for the first 25, singles after that)
    40 med ball situps (15# ball)
    100 D/U (Tried to finish unbroken, missed at 45 and 79)
    75 pushups (started with sets of 10, did sets of 5 after 50)
    50 pistol squats (just tried to keep moving to finish under the 25 min time cap)

    First and foremost, I have to let my back heal. I have to resist the temptation to jump back into barbell work too quickly.

    Other than that, can I just say I need work on everything? muscle ups, HSPU, handstand walks, cycling through pullups, burpees, box jumps, increase weight with oly lifts. I'm sure there is more, but those are things that immediately came to mind.

  3. RUN: finished in 12:20. I knew I wanted to conserve on the run but this maybe was a little too conservative. Running is definatly not my strength but feel I could have pushed it a little more on the run and kept maybe closer to a 7 min pace.

    Pullups I felt like I really partitioned well in preparation for the rest of the work. sets of 10 with very little time off the bar and the final 2 sets of 5 and 5. happy with my pullup pace.

    HSPU are another weekness of mine but feel like they are getting better. really focusing on a good kip. ended up struggling as I expected but maintained doubles towards the end.

    Heavy hang cleans. Definatly singles on this one. My goal was to spend as little time off the bar as possible. I managed not to miss any attempts but probably could work on getting to the bar quicker. Maybe setting a specific time goal to stay off the bar(ie.. count to 10) But overall just happy I was able to complete it.

    Snatches I was only able to get 5 reps. Failed at 3. Again, trying to stay over the bar and not walk away from the bar. Try to avoid the wasted energy on missed reps and keep my focus when Im at my most fatigued.

    Overall very happy with my performance today.

    Great job everyone today!!! This one was TOUGH!!!!

  4. I felt like I kept a pretty good pace on the run. I wasn't trying to kill myself on it, but was trying to be smart and I finished in 11:35.

    The pullups felt good. I didn't feel like they wore me out that much and I partitioned them well. I hit the first 15 unbroken and then did sets of 5 throughout.

    The HSPU didn't feel too bad, but they could have been better. I wanted to maintain sets of 5 throughout but I only hit maybe 3 sets of 5 and then had to switch to sets of 2 and 3.

    The hang cleans were frustrating for sure. I wanted to do power the whole time but I just couldn't get under it enough without hurting my wrist so I ended up having to squat clean every rep and that definitely took more out of me. I only got through 28 reps.

    I was upset that I didn't get to the snatches or the muscle ups, partly because I actually like those exercises lol. I will strive to do better next time!
