Thursday, December 26, 2013

December 27, 2013

Seven sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps

Three sets of:
Dead stop Front Squats x 3 reps

Every minute on the minute for five minutes:
First :30 - Unbroken Wall Ball Shots x 10 reps
Second :30 - 3 Box Jumps (36/30)

For Time:
1k Row
Kettlebell swings x 50 reps


  1. A: 135, 205, 205, 245, 245, 265, 265
    265 was heavy but felt pretty good

    B: 205, 205, 205
    I liked the pause dead stop, felt the different stimulus at that sticking point at the bottom.

    C: Got through each 30 seconds as perscribed. 36" jumps were a struggle.

    D: 6:40
    Felt like I partitioned this well. I tried getting back on the bell quicker and not waiting as long btwn breaks.

  2. A: 225, 245, 265, 275, 285, 295, 305.
    * weight felt good, but my wrist still hurts in the front rack position which sucks.

    B: 250 for all 3 sets

    C: Done Rx
    * This emom wasn't too bad, could have done one or two more jumps per minute.

    D: 6:22
    * I felt good on the erg, but I might have hit the swings too hard out the gate. I did the first 20 unbroken, then 10, 9, 4, 4, 3

    Big shout out to my big broskie for coming in today and killin it. Way to finish Paul!!
