Monday, December 30, 2013

December 31, 2013

Three sets, not for time of:
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups x 12-15 reps
Handstand Walk x 40-50 ft
Roll to Candlestick x 8-10 reps

Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps

Five sets of:
1 Press + 1 Push Press + 1 Power Jerk
-rest 2-3 minutes

In Teams of 2:

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Deadlifts (165/105)
15 Burpees
10 Pull Ups

- Then -

3 minute max effort Clean Thrusters (165/105)

- Then -
10 minute time cap:
 400m row
30 KB swings (53/35)
30 Toes To Bar
1 Rope Climb


  1. A: really working on finding my balance on the handstand walk. Still doesnt look good but I feel like Im making small progress.
    Roll to candlestick_UGLY

    B: 135 for 3 sets. Speed feels good but still working on keeping that back leg from extending.

    C: 135, 145, 145, 155, 165 push jerk I need to keep my but back and low. Catching it a little in my toes

    Rd 1- 6 rounds
    Rd 2- 14 reps
    Rd 3- 7:25

    Thanks to my bad ass teamate Jeff!!! felt like we made a good strategy from the beginning and were able to keep a good steady pace throughout.

    Great job by everyone today!!

  2. A: Completed
    * chest to bar are a little rusty when I'm cold so had to warm up a little... I feel like my handstand walks are improving. I'm just trying to get comfortable with being upside down like coach Brian instructed... The candle sticks didn't feel quite as smooth today.

    B: 135 for all sets
    * Just working on speed under the bar.

    C: 115, 125, 135, "", ""
    * Strict press is still my weak point but at the end I felt that if I keep my head up a little longer, the press becomes easier.

    D: 1) 6rds
    2) 14 reps
    3) 7:25
    * I felt that Scott and I had a good game plan going into this workout. We split up the deads 12/8 (me/scott), the burpees were 10/5, and scott did all the pullups. Scott started the workout with his 8 deads, but after the first round, we switched it to where I would start with 12 deads, scott would hit 8 and his 5 burpees, and I would finish the last 10 burpees before he hit the pullups. This allowed us to minimize the transitions as well as rest time. We didn't have to stop at all.
    * I did mess up on the first 2 attempts at the clean thruster which is upsetting. I just couldn't get my wrist in a good position. So scott ended up starting us off and we alternated every rep through 11 reps, and then I hit the last 3 reps while scott rested and waited on the erg to start the 3rd part.
    * I thought we went pretty smoothly through the last part. We both hit the row and on the swings I went 15/10/5. On the toes to bar I went 10/5/5/5/5, and then I hit the one rope climb after about 10-15 sec of rest.

    Overall a good day with big scott!
