Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2, 2014

Build quickly to 90% of your 1 rep max Clean


4 sets of : 
Power Clean x Max reps in :30 at 75% of your highest clean 
-rest 90 seconds

15-20 minutes to find a 1rm Jerk from Behind the Neck

5 x Against a 2:00 clock: 
Run 200m 
Chest to Bar Pull-ups x 10 reps 
Shoulder to Overhead x Max Reps @ 50% of your 1rm Jerk 
-rest 1 minute

Alright team, CrossFit HQ just released some VERY important details about this year's Games Season.

Open registration begins January 15th
First open workout is released February 27
SouthWest Regionals are May 30-June 1

Mark your calendars boys and girls!


  1. A:245 For a full clean, it felt good today.
    Did my 4 sets @185- 8,9,9,9

    B: worked up to 225. I failed at e few reps on the way there. Lazy drive and lazy lockout at the top. Finally started clicking. Brian suggested a narrower grip which seemed to help with my stability overhead. Overall happy with how good 225 felt.

    RD 1- 20 reos
    RD 2- 16 reps
    RD 3- 12 reps
    RD 4- 10 reps
    RD 5- 10 reps

  2. A: 135 for a full clean, almost 140
    Did 4 sets @ 105#: 8, 10, 9, 10
    B: 140#, almost had 150#. Next time!
    C: Chest to bar pull-ups need work, especially in terms of cycling. Run felt good! Did the shoulder to overhead at 80#.
    R1:8, R2:8, R3:5, R4:3, R5:4

  3. A: 135, 205, 225, 250

    B: used 190 for this one.
    - 10 T&Go, 10 (singles), 10 (3 T&G, 7 singles), 10 (4 T&G, 3 T&G, 3 singles)
    * Played around with some different strategies and they all yielded the same result.

    C: 135, 185, 205, 225, 245x, 245, 265x, 265
    * The weight wasn't an issue, just have to learn how to control the lockout so my arms don't shake at the top.

    D: 22, 14, 10, 10, 9
    * I thought my first set was good, but my stomach was hurting all morning and the fatigue wore down my pullup efficiency which took a lot of time away from my S-OH. Didn't finish as well as I should have.

  4. A. 240 pr yo!
    B. All 4 sets were done at 175. Rep's: 8, 8, 8 and 9
    C. 215. Tried to 220 but was just lazy on the lift.
    D. 22, 16, 15, 14 and 13.

  5. A. Worked up to 135# felt pretty good. Caught the bar at 140 but wasnt able to get it up

    cycling Weight was at 105# I forgot to count the first set but then i got 8,9,9,10

    B. Felt great to get some weight overhead I successfully got 130 but failed at 140# i feel like I can definitely get up next go around

    C. The WOD was great felt really strong on the run and really need to work on the chest to bar cycling. I started strong with 15 reps at 70# for the first two rounds then declined to 9, 10, and 10

  6. Skipped part A to stretch because of back injury
    185# on part B. It took a few reps to get the feel of that movement
    10,6,4,4,6 for S2O on part C. I was running out of time because of the c2b pull ups
