Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 31, 2014

Build quickly to 80% of your 1-RM Back Squat (3-5 total sets)


Three rounds for time of:
5 Back Squats @ 80%
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

As many rounds and reps as possible in, 4 minutes:
50 Double Unders
40 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
20 Power Snatches (115/75 lbs)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

rest 3 minutes...

As many rounds and reps as possible in, 6 minutes:
50 Double Unders
40 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
20 Power Snatches (115/75 lbs)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

rest 3 minutes...
For Time:
50 Double Unders
40 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
20 Power Snatches (115/75 lbs)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

*12 minute time cap


  1. A: worked up to 265- 80% of my last max of 325

    4:57 first 2 rds of chest 2 bar unbroken then split up into small sets and eventually singles but happy with the pace and time. Feeling good today.

    rd 1- 93 reps
    rd 2- 120 reps
    rd 3- finished in 10:15
    Kept a consistant pace throughout. Stepped down from the box jumps and was really happy with my pace. First set of snatches was 4 then went to steady single. THEN GOT ALL 10 BAR MU UNBROKEN!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! Thanks coach Brian for being in my ear and keeping me on the bar!!! Thats a PR for me on bar MU and at the end of a chipper no less. Excited about my work today!!!

    Great Job Team!!!

  2. A: Warmup-135x5, 185x5, 205x5,
    then 7:56 with 215# Squats
    B: 84 reps
    C: 114 reps
    D: 136 reps (burpees started to fall apart, box jumps got better, 115# snatch felt lighter than I thought it would, just gotta move faster)

  3. A: 135, 225, 275, 315, 335

    B: 5:11 (@335)
    * Squats were a little more shaky with my trainers on, but the pullups felt pretty good, getting my rhythm down.

    - 109
    - 137
    - 144 (DNF)
    * I felt like I kept a good pace on everything and hit my first and last set of DU unbroken which was good, but the bar MU got the best of me again. Just gotta keep drilling those and make sure I'm putting myself in a position to be successful. I think I got to the bar at around the 7 min mark, so I had plenty of time to complete.

  4. A. 135, 135, 185, 205

    B. 7:10 205. Focused on altitude and rhythm. First set was in threes, second and third were in singles. First time for chest to bars for me.

    1. 2 min w rope(much frustration and foul thoughts in my head right here) then 21 burpees for this round. Drew coaching on breath control, pace, and rhythm
    2. 90seconds w rope. 66 reps. better pace and consistent breathing with the burpees and box jumps. actually felt real good about the progress.
    3. 90 sec w rope again(more foul thoughts here) then into rest of workout. I set good pace rhythm and breath control through the burpees and made good time. box jumps the same. Focused on staying on the bar for the snatches then to the muscle ups. I used a 20" box and completed 6.
    96 reps excluding the DUs. I am pleased w the results. was worked but not destroyed. Much learned.

    great work by all.

    thanks coaches

  5. A: worked up quickly to 140#, finished the three rounds in 7:12
    B: 50 + 34 burpees= 84
    C: 50 + 40 + 18 box jumps = 118
    D: finished through three bar muscle ups by the end of 12 mins. Finished the rest in 13:58 total time.

  6. A: 135, 185, 225, 225, 300.
    5:18. The squats didnt take as long as the C2Bs. Did all squats unbroken. Had to break the pull ups to ensure contact.
    B: 102
    C: 125
    D: Needed 3 MUs to finish. I ended the snatches under 8 mins but could only get 7 MUs. I was able to link 4 in a row at one point but still struggled with the kip. I thought was toooooo much about it so attempting to get up was my downfall.

  7. A. I worked up to 155# then did three rounds for time in 5:36. I need to be more fluid with the chest to bars
    B. In 4 min I got to 17 box jumps a total of 107 reps
    C. in 6 min I got through 11 snatches a total of 131 reps
    D. for time I believe my finish time was 10:30 ish I know the overall clock said 26:41 I I forgot when we started the final round All I know is i need muscle up help and alot of it!

  8. A: worked up to 100lbs. Then changed to 90lbs for the three rounds. I am not efficient at chest to bar so most of my chest to bars were high pull-ups. Need to work on making contact with the bar on every pull-up.
    B: 98 snatch was 55lbs
    C:126 snatch was 55lbs
    D 8:18 snatch was 55lbs and used a black band on the muscle ups.
