Friday, January 24, 2014

January 25, 2014

For time:
500 m row
Burpees Over the Erg x 50 reps

rest 3 mintues..

As many rounds and reps in 5 minutes:
15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
15 Hand Release Push-Ups with feet on a plate (45/25)

rest 3 minutes...

As many rounds and reps in 5 minutes:
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
15 GHD Sit-Ups

rest 3 minutes...

500 m row
Burpees Over the Erg x 50 reps

Try and match your score on Part A for Part D. Don't sandbag that shit either...I know how long it should take.


  1. A: 6:45
    B: 2 rounds plus 10 kb swings
    C: 2 rounds exactly
    D: 7:46, cramped a bunch during the burpees

  2. A: 6:06
    B: 3 +7
    C: 2
    D: 6:52

    Happy with how I maintained less thean a minute off the pace from round 1 to the last rd. I also started cramping when I switched to step burpees when I fatigued.

  3. A: 7:31 had to change the erg from calories to meters.
    B: 3+3 I used a 35lbs kettle bell.
    C: 1+15 did four chest to bar and the rest were pull-ups
    D: 7:07

  4. A. 7:03
    B. 3 rounds and 8 kb swings used 53#
    c. 1 round plus 13
    D. 7:24

    I need to work on my conditioning again I did try to stay to jumps the whole time instead of stepping over but i did tired pretty quickly from that

  5. A: 6:02
    B: 3 + 20
    C: 2 + 15 the HGD sit ups were tough to get though
    D : 7:05 both legs started cramping up at burpee 35 that slowed me down but I did manage to finish.
