Monday, January 13, 2014

January 14, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 15 minutes
Top of the minute (0-:29) – 5 Toes to Bar
Bottom of the minute (:30-59) – 5 Kipping Handstand Push Ups

3 sets of:
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
(3 second pause in the catch)
rest 2 minutes

Every 45 seconds for 9 minutes (12 sets)
Snatch x 1 rep @ 75-85%

7 sets for times of:
250 m row
Burpee Muscle Up x 3 reps
-rest 60 seconds


  1. A:Was able to complete all of the rounds. I only had one set of hspu's that were unbroken and one set of t2b that were unbroken. Tried a new technique on the hspu's and felt very efficient.
    B: Wasn't feeling well and only completed one set at 50#.
    C: Had a hard time getting started but was able to hit 8 solid reps ranging from 60# - 70#. Just need to be more aggressive under the bar and stay tight.
    D: Set 1: 1:56
    Set 2: 2:15
    Set 3: 2:08
    Set 4: 2:17
    Set 5: 2:17
    Set 6: 2:11
    Set 7: 2:07
    Felt good through the sets and stayed consistent. I didn't miss any muscle ups which was my goal. Could definitely push the transitions and try to get on the rings faster. Overall I was pretty happy that I was able to consistently hit my muscle ups.

  2. A: 12 out of 15 rounds complete.
    * I was please with how this went because my HSPU have come a long way. I was hoping to get all 15 rounds but I only got 4,4 and 3 on the last 3 rounds. Toes to bar weren't a problem.

    B: 135 for all 3 sets
    * These felt pretty good. Just gotta keep it comfortable and tight at the bottom.

    C: 165 for all sets
    * Had a little trouble feeling it out on the first one, but got it the second time. Felt pretty good throughout, just working on little tweaks.

    D: 22:52
    * The row was fine, but the MU were giving my problems as usual. After the wod, I changed my grip up a little bit and that seemed to help a lot so I'll have to keep practicing that. Just gotta stay consistent through the movement and keep the confidence going.

    1. Good Job buddy. Keeping the confidence up is top priority.

    2. I can't believe how much that little grip change helped lol

  3. A: hit all 15 rds. Pretty happy with my hspu cycling. No way I was able to do 75 hspu 6 months ago. T2B werent a problem.

    B: 135 all sets. Working on catching all the way in the bottom. Still a work in progress but noticing improvement

    C: 155 for all sets. I did miss a couple lifts but again, feel like my catching in the bottom is improving.

    D: total time 17:12
    splits 1:24, 1:23, 1:24, 1:29, 1:39, 1:30, 2:23
    Stayed really consistant with this one up until the 7th round and I really struggled to hit my last MU. My positioning on my MU needs work. Trying to follow coach 'B' and keep my legs longer and not bend them so early. Keep that hollow position longer and try and see my feet before shooting my legs back. Overall pretty happy with how consistant I stayed on this one.

    Great job today Team!!!!

  4. A. Had to do V ups instead of toes to bar. My shoulders felt wrecked but I was able to complete most of the rounds with an exception of a few where I complete 4 hspu

    B. Worked on my snatches for quite some time on this one using just the bar and 65#

    C. Did this one at 65# felt a little better about my form

    D. Wasnt able to do the WOD :(
