Friday, January 31, 2014

February 1, 2014

Build to a heavy snatch in 20 minutes

Build to a heavy clean and jerk in 15 minutes

400 m run with sandbag
21 Alternating DB snatches
21 Ring Dips
400 m run with sandbag
15 Alternating DB snatches
15 Ring Dips
400 m run with sandbag
9 Alternating DB snatches
9 Ring Dips


  1. A. Form was lacking. 135# Must get under bar. Eyes ahead

    B. Split jerk work. Need a lot more work. 115# must clean deeper, reset hands, foot work.

    C. 17:30 w 50lb DB. Ring dips were ugly but I didn't use the band.

  2. A: 100# felt good
    B: 135# tied my pr. Need to be more confident and get under heavier weights.
    C: 17:17 50# db. Definitely could have moved faster on the snatches.

  3. A: 50-75lbs need to work on not relaxing my arm when catching the bar.
    B: 75-120lbs weigh felt good, split jerk felt better today.
    C: 13:07 used a 30lbs DB and purple band on dips.

  4. A: 135, 55, 75, 85, 95, 205x, 205x
    * Couldn't quite hold the 205 today so that was frustrating, but u win some u lose some I guess.

    B: 185, 205, 225, 245, 255
    * Tied my PR today on clean n jerk so that was good. I would like to hit 275 next time we max.

    C: 11:08
    * I felt pretty good during this wod. Maintained a good pace on the run with the sandbag, hit all of the snatches unbroken, and kept a good pace on the rings, which was the only element I struggled with.

  5. A. and B I didn't do I did go to the olympic lift class instead.
    C. 16:23 I felt great with the run and the 50# snatch but the ring dips and I did not have a good time. I had to do them all strict. someone teach me to kip please!
