Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 13, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 70-80%

Five sets of:
2-Position Clean @ 70-75%
(Hi-Hang and just below the knee)

Two sets of max reps:
30 seconds of Power Cleans (185/115)
rest 30 seconds

rest 90 seconds then..

Two Sets of max reps:
30 seconds of Power Cleans (155/105)
rest 30 seconds

rest 90 seconds then..

Two sets of max reps:
30 seconds of Power Cleans (135/95)
rest 30 seconds

Every minute on the minute, for 5 minutes
10 Pull-Ups
20 Double Unders


  1. A: All sets at 185#
    B: 135/145/145/145/145 (The elbow pain started to come back, not as bad as Saturday, but still pretty painful, so I called it there and will work on recovery for today and tomorrow, and I'll be back on Wed.

  2. A: I did the first half at 125# and the last half of the sets at 135#
    B: Did these at 100#. Felt good and fast under the bar today. Finally!
    C: 115#: 5 reps, 7 reps
    105#: 9 reps, 8 reps
    95#: 10 reps, 9 reps
    Felt good, need to reset faster and keep my eyes up!
    D: Was able to complete all the pull-ups and double unders in the first and last round. Only hit 10-15 double unders in the middle three rounds. The pull-ups felt really good, was able to butterfly almost all of them.

  3. A: 225# for all sets. Felt good. Working on rebounding out of the bottom.
    B: 185 for all sets. Really working on receiving the bar well in the hole and felt pretty good at 185.
    C: @185- 10 and 10
    @155- 11 and 10
    @135- 12 and 9
    Felt like I cycled these pretty well. Still not making contact with the hips when trying to cycle quickly. Stayed with pretty much fast singles the entire time. First round at 135 tried unbroken for as long as possible and hit 9 before breaking to singles.
    D: Hit all 5 emoms.
    Did all pullups unbroken. Purposely paced slowly on the pullups and controlled my breathing and output. Missed on a few of the DU sets but easily made each EMOM.

    REALLY happy with today!!!! Nice work team!!!

  4. A: 245
    * The front squats felt good, but the wrist was a little tender.

    B: 185 for all 5 sets
    * Speed felt good today.

    - 10/10 @ 185
    - 11/11 @ 155
    - 13/12 @ 135
    * This destroyed my forearms!

    D: 3 rounds complete. Missed the 4th and 5th round. Timing on the DU went to hell and I could only do singles on the pullups after the 3rd round.

  5. a: 225
    b: 165
    *felt I little light


    D: did ok on the du did good on PU for the first tree rounds singles after that.

  6. A. Did 125 for front squats for the first two sets then 135# for the remainder of the time. Front squats felt good.

    B. I used 100# for all 5 sets I really need to work on my cleans and hitting my pockets

    C. 6/6 @115
    8/9 @105
    This was pretty brutal but I enjoy things like this. I got to play with different barbell cycle techniques

    D. all rounds completed felt calm it was good.

  7. B: 70 lbs - felt light

    C: 1st round 90 lbs - 5, 7
    2nd round 80 lbs - 8, 5
    3rd round 70 lbs - 10, 8
    Felt light; need to control weight more on the way down so the clips aren't sliding off; had to readjust them several times.

    D: Finished all 5 rounds with no time to spare but I made it! PU unbroken in 1st round only, then broke them up into sets of 3-4

  8. A:225 getting more comfortable under weight
    B: 175-185
    C: never thought 135 would ever be so heavy
    D: was able to control my breathing and keep a good phase for all 5min

  9. A: Weight felt manageable.

    B: Need to work on making contact with the bar on every lift.

    C: 75lbs 7,8
    70lbs 10,10
    65lbs 9,9

    D: completed 3 rounds.

  10. Happy to see some new names and faces on here team! Good work.
