Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 3, 2014

4 sets of:
Box Jumps (24/20) x Max Reps in :30
Rest 30 seconds
Handstand Push Ups x Max Reps in :30
Rest 30 seconds

Rest 4 minutes then…

4 sets of:
Box Jumps (30/24) x Max Reps in :30
Rest 30 seconds
Deficit Handstand Push Ups x Max Reps in :30
Rest 30 seconds

With 20 minutes on the clock, complete as many ladders of:
Kettlebell Swings

One swings, one breath. Two Swings, two breaths.. etc. When you reach ten, go back down to one and start over.

Three sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps
Partner GHRs x 8-10 reps

Team, EVERYONE needs to block out some time post-comp class Saturday. We were fortunate enough to get some very nice equipment at a very good deal. The more hands we have, the faster we can get it taken down and shipped back to the gym. It DOES benefit each and every one of you so you will help donate some extra time. That is option 1. 

Options 2 and 3 aren't as enjoyable. Let's just say that if you choose option 2, you will need to block out a very, very, long time block (3-4 hrs to be exact) on Monday seeing as how you will have alternate programming. Option 3? Just don't bother coming to class after Saturday then...

If you have any serious time conflicts, you NEED to contact myself or Drew and let us know why. That way, we will be able to find an alternate time and task for you.

I highly suggest everyone contact each other and make it known. I have seen almost everyone comment today but we are still missing a few. 

We are now suggesting REQUIRING comments. 

It's time to get serious.


  1. A:Round 1: 20 in. box, 1 set of 25# plates and an abmat
    12 and 5, 14 and 7, 15 and 6, 14 and 5.

    Round 2: 24 in. box, 2 sets of 25# plates and an abmat
    11 and 5, 12 and 6, 12 and 4, 11 and 5

    B. 3 times up the ladder plus three swings = 168 reps. Back got really tight!

    C. 3 rounds of 20 ghd situps and 10 partner ghrs

  2. A: 24" Box Jumps/HSPU w/pad
    14/8, 14/6, 14/6, 14/7
    30" Box Jumps/HSPU
    11/5, 11/3, 9/2, 10/2

    B: 10 minutes of 1min on/1 min off Airdyne-2.37 miles
    10 minutes of 1 min on.1 min off situps-total 109

    C: not performed due to back pain

    Handstand pushups are improving, I need to make sure I organize myself before every rep so I miss less reps.

  3. A:
    RD 1 - 11,11 and 13,9 and 12,8 and 13,7
    RD 2 - 10,6 and 10,3 and 9,3 and 10, 4

    I was happy with how I was able to maintain on the box jumps especially the 30".

    B: 223 total reps. 4 times up the ladder plus 3 reps. Breathing became very shallow and really had to work on trying to recover breathing during work cycles.

    C: GHD 16, 18, 20

  4. A:
    - 18, 6
    - 18, 5
    - 18, 4
    - 19, 5
    - 13, 4
    - 13, 2
    - 13, 2
    - 13, 2
    * The box jumps were smooth and I was able to keep a good rhythm the whole time... The HSPU however are still not my strong point, so I have to learn how to manage that better and get into a better tripod position.

    B: 187
    * The breathing definitely got harder as time went on. My hands were getting overly sweaty which doesn't help kettle swings, and my lower back began to really feel it towards the end.

    C: finished the GHD's but didn't do the GHR's because my hamstrings are already really sore and my lower back was really tight.

  5. A.
    35# + abmat, 24" box
    13, 11
    16, 11
    15, 10
    16, 11
    35#+55# weights and no abmat
    24" box + 2 45# weights
    15, 7
    13, 6
    15, 4
    15, 3
    *Box jump turnover felt great. Fatigue set in on the last few rounds of HSPU's but overall felt good also.
    1min sprint 1min slow pace for 20min on the airdyne
    I aimed for 22 to 25 cal per sprint
    totalled 275 cal
    skipped ghd situps due to current limited flexibility in back

  6. A.
    Abmat, 20" box
    15, 6
    13, 7
    14, 6
    13, 5

    Abmat+25#, 24" box
    12, 4
    9, 2
    12, 2
    11, 3
    *Really focused on cycling reps, especially when things became more difficult. I was pleased with the number of HSPU I was able to do in the first round.

    Three times up ladder= 168 reps
    *Changed the way I approached KB swings thanks to coach Drew which made the second two rounds much easier then the first one.

  7. A.
    Round 1: 18 inch box jump, an mat plus 1 25lbs plate on each side.
    Round 2: 24 inch box jump, ab mat and 2 25lbs plates on each side.

    B. Kettle bell ladder. Three full rounds +2, total of 167. First time using a 53lbs kettle bell.

  8. A. Round 1 20" box jumps as handstand push ups i did a running total for all 4 rounds and ended with 80 box jumps and 30 handstand push ups

    round 2 I stayed with the 30" box jumps and did deficit handstand pushups with 35# plates under each hand the running total was 89 box jumps and 15 hspu

    B. I did dumbbell swings and got through the ladder a total of three times then counting down from 10 I got through 6 for a total of 205 reps

    c. 3 rounds of partner GHR 8 reps
