Friday, January 3, 2014

January 4, 2013

In teams of two:

800m Log Run

rest 5 minutes then…

6 alternating rounds of:
Stone to Shoulder x 7 reps
Stone Carry x 50 ft.
Dumbbell Burpee Box Jump Overs x 14 reps
Stone Carry x 50 ft.
Double Unders x 21 reps

Rest 10 minutes then…

Team 2k Row for time


  1. A: 800M Sandbag Run-4:41
    B: 3 rounds
    1-4:00, 2-4:34, 3-4:45
    C: 1000M Row-3:55

  2. A. 6:25
    B. Didn't keep track of rounds but was able to move fairly consistently through them all
    C. combined row was 7:54 for 2000k

  3. A. 4:06
    B. With a partner we completed the WOD in 18:15 we cleaned 115# instead of shoulder to overhead and carried two plates 50 ft instead of the stones.
    C. 2 mile Run

  4. A: 4:51
    * I didn't think this was too terrible but the biggest challenge was trying to get our strides in sync for a smoother ride.

    B: Me and scott finished the WOD in 24:07
    * The stone was pretty rough but I feel like we both kept a good pace on all the elements. We set the DB's down after getting off the box before turning around. I think this helped us keep a steady pace without falling off. I got 2 out of the 3 rounds of DU unbroken so that was good.

    C: 7:28
    * Scott started and I think our pacing was good on this part.
