Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 15, 2014

7 sets of:
Deadlift x 3 reps
(+5-10 lbs from last week plus chain weight)
rest 2 minutes

800 m run
20 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)

rest 4 minutes…

400 m run
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

rest 3 minutes then…

200 m run
10 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)

rest 2 minutes then…

100 m run
5 Shoulder to Overhead (185/115)


  1. A: 265 plus chain for all sets. Used 225 last week for doubles. Deadlift is FINALLY feeling better.

    had a great pace throughout and went unbroken on all shoulder to overhead on all rounds until 185 and then I hit a wall. I think more of a mental wall than anything. Ended up doing way too many reps to finish my 5. Need to work on both my mental toughness and pushing through and still getting under the bar and locking out on my jerk.

  2. A: Used 180# for the deadlifts. I used 160# last week with chains. No chains this week.
    B: 5:21, hands were frozen from the run
    C: 4:06, no energy for shoulder to overhead, run felt good
    D: 2:43, weight felt easier and more stable overhead as it got heavier.
    E: 1:44, single, double, double. Very tired today.

  3. So, I slept in this morning and it felt great, however, I will be there tonight at 630 to get the workout in. Also, I just registered for the 2014 Games, and I am pretty excited to see how the open goes.

  4. A: 255 + chains for all sets
    * Me and Scott shared a bar. Speed felt good

    - 4:09
    - 10:16 (2:07)
    - 14:19 (1:03)
    - 16:53 (:34)
    * This workout felt pretty good. I didn't set the bar down at all and went relatively unbroken on every set besides a breath here and there. My goal was to hit push press first until I needed to utilize the jerk. On 115 I hit all 20 push press; on 135 I did 10 push press and 5 jerks; on 155 I did 5 and 5; and I finished with 5 jerks at 185.

  5. A) used 160 for the deadlift- felt good although felt like i could have gone heavier
    B) -4:57 (75#) felt really good. did all 20 unbroken
    -12:43 (95#) felt quite a bit heavier had to do them unbroke
    -18:07 (100#) got really heavy. need to really work on my jerk and not resting so much on my shoulders
    -didn't mark last time did 110# and i had to do these one at a time. I did 2-3 no reps on my last rep before i could could lock out my arms for a good rep

  6. A) used 160 for the deadlift- felt good although felt like i could have gone heavier
    B) -4:57 (75#) felt really good. did all 20 unbroken
    -12:43 (95#) felt quite a bit heavier had to do them unbroke
    -18:07 (100#) got really heavy. need to really work on my jerk and not resting so much on my shoulders
    -didn't mark last time did 110# and i had to do these one at a time. I did 2-3 no reps on my last rep before i could could lock out my arms for a good rep

  7. A; used 245 felt good but I think I'm pulling more for a clean and not a dead lift.
    B,C,D: this all felt good, all un broken might have been able to push a little more on the run but I took that as my rest.
    E: good first 3 reps fell apart on my last 2
    thank you guys for telling me to step away for 10sec that helped get my last sets at the 185

  8. A) Used 160# with the chains. First couple sets felt heavy but got progressively manageable the last two sets. Probably could have gone a little heavier.
    B) 5:10 and used 50#. First runs are always a little exhausting for me. I had a hard time catching my breath when I approached the weight but picked it up immediately. Broke my 20 reps into sets of 5, each set I was trying to relax my breathing. I probably should have gone a little heavy in this set and faster.
    C) 11:52 and used 60#. My run felt good going out but slowed down coming back in. Again I broke my 15 reps into sets of 5. The weight was still light and should have gone heavier.
    D) 16:34 and used 70#. My run felt good but reentered the gym walking and I took a little longer getting to my bar. Did 7 reps unbroken then dropped the bar. Shouldn’t have done that! Picked it up after a deep breath and finished the 3reps. Weight was okay, I could start feeling the heaviness of the weight.
    E) 20:01 and used 80#. Weight got really heavy and my breathing was not controlled. I dropped the weight after 3 reps. 4th rep was exhausting and failed the 5th reps. I could not get under the bar and lock out my arms under the weight. Dropped the weight and reattempted the weight. 5th reps was accomplished but was very difficult.

  9. 275+chains felt good had good speed



    d- 155#-16:15
    My over head needs lots of work i feel weak over head.

  10. A. Did all 7 sets with 185# and two 12# chains It felt pretty good I was working on really keeping my back set.

    B. 800m run 20 shoulder to over head with 75# felt great
    400 m run 15 shoulder to overhead with 95# felt pretty good had to set the bar down once
    200 m run with #105 did unbroken
    100m run with #115 did unbroken

    I felt really good overall I think i ran a little more than needed and I lost track of my splits but overall it took me 22:40 as prescribed

  11. A: 150# plus chains. The weight was manageable all sets.
    B: 60# 5:10 went unbroken and the weigh felt light.
    C: 70# 11:53 Unbroken the weight felt good.
    D: 80# 16:29 Unbroken weigh felt heavy but doable.
    E: 90# 19:31 Unbroken weight was heavy.
    I need to work on my footing on the jerk. I need to widen my stance a little. I have a hard time breathing after running in the cold but i kept all my runs at a steady pace.
