Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 8, 2013

Build quickly to a heavy single for Deadlift.


Take 60% of that heavy single and perform

8 sets of:
Deadlift x 2 reps (add chain as well)

As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
12 Toes to Bar
9 Ring Dips

5 minutes of Turkish Get Up practice


  1. A: Only worked up to 315. A little discouraging on the deadlift but still working on recovering from the nagging low back. Played it safe today.

    Used 225 for the doubles. Felt ok!!

    5 + 10 wall balls
    kept the wall ball unbroken for the first couple then broke into 2 and then 3 sets.
    T2B went unbroken on the first and then quickly to singles.
    Ring dips were unbroken at the start and then quickly went down to doubles and eventually singles.

    C: used a 44# kb. felt good. havent done these in awhile. Technique a little rusty but good practice.

  2. A: 265# PR!! Felt good and definitely could have gone heavier which is exciting! Did 160# for the doubles + chains.

    B: 4 rounds + 15 wall balls + 12 toes to bar + 4 ring dips = 31reps

    C: Used the 26# kb. Haven't done these in a long time and was a bit awkward. Shoulders are smoked from this week also.

    Good day and for once we had more ladies than gentlemen! Yay ladies!!! Good job team!

  3. A: Built up to 365#. I need to work more on deadlift-I don't like the ground I've lost
    ....then: All sets at 225#
    B: 4 rounds plus 5 W/B-need to work on cycling toes to bar and dips
    C: Turkish get-ups...good practice, need more practice. Good job everyone, it was nice to be back.

  4. A: 315, 365, 385, 405
    - Used 245 for the 8 sets of chain doubles.
    * Deadlifts felt pretty good today. 405 was tough but not impossible so I felt like it was a good ending point.

    B: 6 rds + 11 reps
    * I felt pretty good during this wod. I think I partitioned the exercises pretty well and tried to make sure I didn't take any prolonged breaks. If I could do anything differently next time, I think I would hit more singles on the toes 2 bar and ring dips.

    C: I finished 12 good reps with a 20kg KB and it felt pretty good.

    D: Finished up with mobility and some muscle up progression drills.

  5. A.
    250lbs for my max dead lift, struggled to get it up and form was not great but did it. That is a 5lbs PR for me.

    Did 160lbs for the 8 sets of 2 reps. That felt good and worked on my form. The last 2 reps where my best.

    B. Finished 4 rounds + 17, used the 15lbs small ball and a band for the ring dips. Trying to get consecutive reps on toes to bar.

    C. I liked doing the Turkish get ups, used the 18lbs kettle bells first then moved to the 26lbs kettle bell to finish out the 5 minutes.

  6. A. I did 280# for my deadlift and felt great!!! Thats a 30# PR!!! and I felt strong like I could do more. Thanks Drew for pushing me

    I used 165# with the chains for 8 sets of 2 reps. I was working on my speed and learning to keep my back set

    B. The WOD was quick and fun I struggled with the ring dips and need to work on my kips I completed 4 rounds +27 I need to work on staying consistent with my toes to bar as well

    c. turkish get ups for 5 min i used 26#
