Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 20, 2014

Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 75-85%

5 sets of:
Power Clean + 1 1/4 Front Squat + High Hang Clean
Rest 2 minutes.

Open Workout 13.2

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
10 Deadlifts (115/75)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)

2000 meter recovery row


  1. A: 135# for 4 sets
    140# for 3 sets
    Tried 145# for the last set and got stuck on the way up.
    B: 110#, 110#, 115#, 115#, no time for the last set.
    C: 216
    D: 2k row, check.

  2. I was excited to be back in the box this morning after taking a week off from mouth surgery, but was surprised at how out of whack my body felt. I took it pretty easy today.

    A. 120# on my 2rep 8 minute EMOM.
    B. Set 1 80#. Set 2 85#. Set 3 90#. Set 4 95#. Set 5 100#. Finally starting to feel comfortable with my squat cleans and catching and dropping down. It is all coming together.
    C. 157 reps. I defiantly had to pace myself on this WOD. I felt really good with the S2OH and the dead lifts but the box jumps made me really lightheaded.
    D. After the WOD I was not sure I would be able to row at all, but I got on and started and was able to do the full 2,000 meters. It was a great cool down from the WOD.

  3. A: 245, "", 255, "","", 265, " ", " "
    * Front squats felt good. Little pain in the left knee still

    B: 185, 195, " ", 205, 215
    * Power cleans felt easy which was good. Speed felt good going under.

    C: 261 (8 + 21)
    * Pretty disappointed in this wod. I felt good going into it and was hoping for 10 rounds, but my lower back started seizing up around round 5 and caused me to lose focus and speed. I'll have to try it again.

    * Muscle ups are getting better again so that's a good sign.

  4. A:225 first 2
    235 next 4
    245 last 2. Focusing on the eccentric and concentric made a difference on controlling the weight.
    B:Started at 135, then 155, then 165 for 2 and ended with 175. Really focusing on moving my feet while receiving. Will definitely work on it. Had to redo some reps.
    C: 6 plus 21. Controlling my breathing allowed my legs to get more oxygen but my transitions between box back to the bar was lazy. I was able to keep a hold of the bar on all rounds but going to the box was sloooooow. Need to move faster!
    D:Row was a good cool down.

  5. A: 185/185/185/185/185/195/195/195
    B: 135/135/135 Elbow/Shoulder pain back again, very frustrating
    C: 5 rounds, Modified no shoulder to OH, 135# DL/Box Jumps
    D: good cool down, helped loosen up my back

  6. A: 205 got up to 235
    B: 155 - 175- 185 - 185 - 205 - 225
    C: 6+22 this workout kicked my ass!! I could not feel my legs after the 2nd round it was not a good workout for me.
    D: good recovery row but my back wasn't liking it too much my legs and lungs felt good.

  7. A) Did all 5 sets at 90lbs. Probably should have increased my last couple sets to 100lbs. I was unaware of what my 1 rep max is on a front squat because I have not attempted it in the last couple months.
    B) Did the first 3 sets at 70lbs and increased to 80lbs.
    C) Completed a full 7 rounds (210). One of the hardest WODs I have done especially not being 100% comfortable with my shoulders to overheads. Last 3 rounds was a struggle on the S2OH; pressed the last two reps. I was able to make up time on all my dead lifts. I was unable to maintain efficient box jumps; stepped down after the first round. My transitions from the box jumps to the S2OH was terrible; was very slow.

  8. A: 90# weight felt good. Need to work on my posture.
    B: 70#-90# weight was manageable. Need to work on staying over the bar just a little longer.
    C: 207- never dropped the bar but my transitions in the lase two rounds were slow. Need to practice my box jump downs. I did all step downs.
    D: The row was a great way to cool down.

  9. A: 135# for all
    B: Did a warm up at 95#, finished the rest at 105#
    *got the high hang clean for the first three tries but didn't that second two. Need to focus on the pull and sitting at the bottom.
    C: 175-Feel like score could have been better. Seriously struggled with the box jumps which slowed me down.
    D: Check

  10. A. Did 135# for the first set then 155# for the remainder of the sets. felt pretty lite and my form felt good

    B. I did my first set at 95# then the remaining set at 115# Everything felt really solid but the hang clean was uncomfortable. I need to work at getting under the bar faster.

    C. Last year I did this work out and got 302 reps this year I got 301... for argument sake I did have to start my own timer and walk to my bar... just saying.....

    D. I did 10 min on the bike :0)
