Friday, January 10, 2014

January 11, 2014

A) 15-20 minutes to work to a heavy 
1 rep max snatch

B) 15 minutes to work to a heavy 
1 rep max clean and jerk

C) In teams of three..

For time:
9 miles on AirDyne
100 Handstand Push ups
300 Double Unders


  1. A: worked up to 95# for a squat snatch. Hit it pretty easy and was able to move under the bar.
    B: worked up to 135# for a squat clean. Felt a little heavy but was able to stand up with it.
    C:Team was Scott, Jeff, and myself. The 9 miles on the AirDyne was by far the hardest. Finished as a team in 24:26. Quads are on fire!!!

  2. A: PR'd @ 210 on my snatch! It took quite a few tries to get there though which is one thing I definitely need to work on. Tried 225 a couple times but couldn't stick it.

    B: Didn't attempt any clean n jerks because of my wrist.

    C: 24:26
    * Team was me, adrenne, and scott. Thought we had a pretty good strategy. We broke up the air dyne by 1 mile increments at the beginning and then switched to 1/2 mile increments about 8-10 min in. After the HSPU and the DU were done, we crowded around the bike and just switched whenever the person's legs were about to fall off lol. I could barely walk after this wod no joke... well played coaches ;)

  3. A: started by doing snatch balances, was planning on doing full snatch, but due to pain in my elbows I stopped.
    B: Did not perform due to elbow pain
    C: 24:48
    Team was me, Rene, and Chino. 9 miles on the airdyne?!!!! Wow, my quads were on fire. That took a lot longer than I thought it would.
