Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 27, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Front Squat x 1 rep @ 85-90%

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep

As many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes:
1 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
1 Ground to Overhead (155/105)
2 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
2 Ground to Overhead
And so on..


  1. A: 145#
    B: 80# -> 135# PR!!!!
    C: 6 full rounds + 7 C2B + 4 S2O
    Finished the last three reps of that round after time was up to make it an even 7 rounds.

  2. A: 145#

    B: 95#, 115#, 120#

    C: 5 full rounds + 6 C2B+ 3 S2O

    *Good workout for a Monday morning despite feeling sluggish.

  3. A: 275 for all sets
    * Weight felt good and was moving quick, but I didn't feel good and didn't get much sleep so I kept it there the whole time.

    B: 185, 95, 205, 215, 225, 235, " ", " ", " ", " "
    * The jerk was feeling a little shaky today and I was trying to keep the speed up and continue working on switching the hands from the front rack to the push press position for the jerk.

    C: 8 rds + 4
    * Still need to work on my chest to bar rhythm so I can cycle those quicker, but I felt like I did pretty well using small sets.

  4. A: 245. Felt good. working on not hesitating at the bottom and rebounding strong out of the hole.
    B: 155,155,165,165,185,185,185,185,195,195
    still working on dropping under the weight but it went up ok today.
    C: 7 + 7
    the ground to overhead made the pullups a llot more difficult than I had planned

  5. A: 295 worked on keeping my face straight bit eyes up. Bounce out the bottom was good til the last 2 reps.
    B: 135,155,155,155,175 the rest. The drop under the jerk was rough for me today. Lately I've had wrist pain on my left hand so hold the bar with all 4 digits was hard. I will mobilize my serratus and wrist more from her forward.
    C: 6 ctb + 2 gto. Again wrist limited my rack to over head. Frustrating.

  6. A. 155# for the first 7 then 165 # for the last 3

    B. 4 sets at 115# 3 sets at 125# then 3 sets at 135#

    C. I got exactly 7 rounds with solid chest to bars felt pretty good!

    I felt pretty good today

  7. A: 245 for 9 sets
    B: 155, 185, 205 my clean and jerk last week was not there, so this time I wanted to focus on getting good reps and not so much on weight.
    C: 7 + 12 have to work on keeping over the bar and most important transition speed.

  8. A) Started with 90lbs and then moved up to 100lbs.
    B) Stayed at 75lbs to make sure I was hitting all the right spots. Had an easier time getting under the bar for the split jerks but I’m still having a hard time bending my back knee.
    C) Scaled the weight to 75lbs, probably should have done 80lbs. Scaled the weight down because I have a hard time being efficient with jerks; I tend to just muscle the weight up. Rested to long in between sets. My chest to bars still need work but ended up break them up into set after 5.

  9. A: First 5 sets at 90lbs last 5 sets at 100lbs.
    B: Started at 75lbs - 90lbs. My split can use a little technique adjustments.
    C: 75lbs never put the weight down. Should have done a little more weight. My chest to bars need a lot of work. Did them all singles and not all touched the bar. Finished 5+6

  10. A: 245
    b:185 squat cleans
    B: 3+4 couldn't do a jerk because of nee so i did cleans with hspu
