Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 3, 2014

Every two minutes for a total of 12 minutes:
Front Squat x 1 rep @ 92-95%

Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
Clean and Jerk x 1 reps (all reps between 75-90%)

As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
Buy In 
75 Double Unders

With the remainder of the time…

Increasing ladder of
3 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/95
3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6 Squat Clean Thrusters
6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups


  1. A: 270 for all 8 sets. Heavy but got it up OK.
    B: 185 for all sets. Working on the split jerk. Tried to overeggagerate bendind the back leg. Some reps felt better than others.
    C: 46 reps. (started rd of 12 and got through 10 thrusters)
    Got through the DU well at :44 Thrusters were heavy and pretty much did singles the entire wway. Chest to Bar were unbroken through round of 6 and then started breaking. The thrusters definatly slowed me down.

  2. A: 275, 295, 305, 315, " ", 325
    * I was 10 lbs below my PR on my last set so that felt good.

    B: 195, 205, 215, 225, -->
    * Kept it at 225 even though it was above 90% I knew I could easily handle it. All reps felt clean except for one (lazy second pull)

    C: rd 12 complete --> 5 thrusters on rd 15 (65 total)
    * DU didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Accidentally broke at 20, but then went to 57, but broke again at 70 so I lost 10-15 seconds on that part. Hit rd 3 unbroken on both elements, hit 3 and singles on rd 6, then finished with singles on the thrusters and starting each rd of pullups with a set of 3. Even though I was hitting quick singles on the pullups, I'd like to be able to hit chunks unbroken, same with the thrusters.

    D: Finished up with muscle ups, alternating rings and bar. Struggled on the rings a bit today, just trying to stay patient. But I hit 11 bar MU without missing and hit a double on the last one so that was good.

  3. A: 140# - 155# PR!!!
    B: 120# - 130#
    C: finished the double unders in less than 2 mins. Finished the round of three and six. Finished the 9 squats clean thrusters and 3 c2b. I need to push myself to keep moving!

  4. A: started at 225 - 275PR!! thanks for the push
    B: 185 - 125 attempted 245 twice but I was unable to get it
    C: messed up on double unders.
    started round 12 got all thrusters and 8 chest to bar

  5. A. I used 170# for all the sets felt good
    B I went really light due to this strange bump on my hand. I stuck to 95# and worked on form
    C. double unders were almost unbroken but I did break with 15 left got them done pretty quickly. I got through all of the 9 and then got 8 squat clean thruster into the round of 12

  6. A: used 110lbs then PR at 135lbs!
    B: Started with 80lbs and then did 100lbs the last few rounds.
    C: DU gave me more problems than usual. Used 80lbs for clean&thrust got 6 chest to bars pull-ups on the set of 9's.
    Thank you so much coaches for pushing me to use all new weight today and for the extra help with my clean positioning.

  7. A: 145#, 150#, 155#
    *Did the first three but had to stop because my shoulder was acting up.
    B: Kept it at 115# due to my shoulder. My body felt off and I didn't want to push it.
    C: Rd 6 complete + 6 thrusters
    *Due to my ripped hand had a slightly difficult time with chest to bar, also struggled with the DU's a little. Overall it felt good and I was cycling the thrusters better.
