Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 7th, 2014

In 5 sets work to 85-90% of your 1rm Back Squat

3 sets of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85%
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 15 reps

5 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Snatches (75/55)

Rest exactly 5 minutes

5 minutes to complete:
Deadlift (155/105)
Handstand push up

Rest exactly 3 minutes

5 minutes to complete:
Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
Box Jump (24/20)


  1. A. was only able to do 120# my back was killing me. Finished in 9 mins.
    B. Part 1: Got 2 full rounds + 30 double unders and 2 snatches.
    Part 2: Finished 15 and 12, got 9 deadlifts and 4 hspus.
    Part 3: Finished 30, got 13/20 for s2o at the time cap. Finished the rest of the reps in total time of 7:53.
    *Went back and finished my reps for Part 2 (5 hspus).
    Rough day, biceps/arms really hurt. Really tired mentally and physically. I was very much defeated after I didn't finish part 2 and gave up on part 3.

  2. A: Bar/135/225 8:15@240#
    B:2 rounds plus 18 reps
    C: Finished the round of 15 and 12 (Looked easier than it was, the HSPU's killed my time)
    D: Finished round of 30 plus 9 STOH

  3. A: 225, 275, 335, 365
    - Used 365... couldn't really time it because me and scott were sharing a bar, but we kept it moving with little rest. Chest to bars are getting better.

    1 - 3 rounds complete --> 25 DU (160 total)
    * My DU were all bad in the first 2 rounds unfortunately I broke all over the place. The rope just didn't feel the same today. I went unbroken on the next 2 rounds though so I recovered somewhat.
    2 - round 12 complete --> 3 HSPU (66 total)
    * Deadlifts were fine but the HSPU were tough, my shoulders were smoked. I tried to be smart and hit smaller sets to keep going.
    3 - 4:56
    * I thought I was smart on the S-OH which helped me in the long run. On round 30 I went 10-8-6-6 ... rd 20 was 8-6-6... and then went unbroken on rd 10... Box jumps were good except a couple missed reps.

  4. A) Finished in 7 minutes. Used 140# C2B getting stronger but need work. Tore hand on last set, so that was just awesome.

    B)2 rounds + 20 DU. DU were shittier than usual. I have trouble if I am not on the wood...can't hear. I will avoid the platforms as I do not want to be dependent on sound.

    Finished in 4:50 seconds at 14:50. Deadlifts felt good. Used two mats for HSPU...will start switch to one. Feel like I am getting better at them.

    Started at 17:50. Got through round of 30 and 12 shoulder to overhead. I need to get more efficient at box jumps. Will try Mariana's advice - rest at top, use bottom to rebound.

    Had an awesome time this week, but I am exhausted and sore!

  5. A: 100#, 120#, 135#, 145#
    *lost track of the time because I wasn't feeling well and the weight felt heavy/off.
    B: 2 rounds +22 DUs
    *Something clicked with DU's and was able to get to the bar quickly because of it.

    15+12 complete + 4 HSPU
    *Felt my arms go on the HSPU and eventually couldn't get myself up. This affected the next work out

    Round 30 complete +3 S2O
    *My shoulder has been bothering plus my arms giving out in the HSPU led to very difficult S2O. Really struggled through this workout.

  6. A: worked up to 275-85% of my last max of 325
    moved steady through the second part and went unbroken on all C2B

    3 + 32
    unbroken on all DU. Got no repped on my first 2 snatches for facing the wrong direction. Mental errors!!!

    15 + 12 + 5 HSPU
    Thought I would have been able to complete this in the allotted time but fell short by 4 HSPU. First rd was unbroken but then the HSPU slowed way down.

    81 reps
    Box jumps slowed me up. Jumped up and stepped down for all box jumps. Need to continue to work on bounding and being more efficient with the box jump.

  7. no sleep for previous 36 hours

    A. 235 was my previous max squat but that is what I used today for the reps. I will have to find my new max. 8:47 total. C2B was ok but needs cleaned up. mostly done in singles.
    3 rounds. jumped for 30 seconds each round and then went at bar.

    15+12+ 3 deadlifts
    two mats for the hspu. I really suck at these.

    67 reps
    box jumps felt sluggish. felt good on S2O but need to pace better

  8. A: 120lbs. Chest to bar is still slow but i am able to make contact with the bar on all of them now. 9:10
    B: 2+6 had a hard time with my DU.
    C: Finished the 15's and 12 dead lifts +4 HSPU.
    D: Finished the 30's

  9. I Loved this work out!
    A. 150 150 170 170 Then used 170 and cohpleted the three rounds in 5:47 chest to bars felt good I need to learn to cycle them however
    B I finished 3 rounds plus 11 I had a mental moment and forgot it was an amrap oops!

    C. finished in 4:08 everything prescribed. HSPU felt good today

    D. I finished it all but 7 box jumps in the time I thought i had another minute due to math errors in my brain so i took the shoulder to over head a little easier than needed I still finished the box jumps after my time
    overall finish time was 22:08
