Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24, 2014

5 sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed

Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Clean and Jerk x 1 rep

Every 5 minutes for, 15 minutes:
400 m run
15 Thrusters (115lbs/75lbs)
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

Alright guys, few things here I want to talk about.

First, EVERYONE must be registered for the CrossFit Judges course. It's 10 dollars and it's a requirement if you are going to be participating with our team. We need to have as many available judges for the weekly open gathering as possible.

Second, we are going to be doing our open workouts Saturdays, at 3pm. So, we will no longer be having a 1pm comp meeting for the next 5 weeks. If you have a time conflict, you need to re-schedule an alternate time that DOES NOT interfere with any of our other classes.

Third, this week will be a "De-Load" style week. The volume will be lower. Please, do not whine or bitch about there not being enough work. You can do shit on your own, but if you want to score the best you possibly can each week, I suggest listening to what we say.

Lastly, our season is upon us guys! Let's stay focused and most importantly, have some FUN! 


  1. A: PRd my front squat by 25# today with 300#!!!
    B: stayed at 185 for all sets. worked on getting under the bar on the jerk portion. some reps felt better than others. Still a work in progress.
    rd 1- 2:50
    rd 2- 3:58
    rd 3- fell 1 rep short of finishing in the 5 minute time limit. Need to work on strategy for these types of workouts. Unbroken on the first round but probably wasn't the way to approach it. Maybe better from the get go to break into sets and be able to maintain better.

  2. A. #345
    B. 135, 135, 155, 155, 175, 175, 175.... Forearm started to flare up which caused my jerk to suffer towards the end.
    C. 3:39
    Last one was shitty for me and I had to do my chest to bars in singles. All the Philips were broken up as I fatigued but I got back on the bar as soon as I could. Thrusters were 10-5 then 5-5-5 then 6-5-4. Need to work on my breathing. If I had to do more then 15 of each I definitely would of performed worse due to not staying calm.

  3. A. PRd my front squat by 20# today at 195#!! yay!!!

    B. All the sets were at 115#
    C. I was very tired got through 8 chest to bar
    second round got through 10 chest to bar
    final round I actually finished :0 )

  4. A. PRd my front squat by 20# today at 195#!! yay!!!

    B. All the sets were at 115#
    C. I was very tired got through 8 chest to bar
    second round got through 10 chest to bar
    final round I actually finished :0 )

  5. A: My alarm didn't go off this morning for some reason so I was late, but I was still able to hit 225, 275, 295, and 315 before having to move on.

    B: 185 for first 4 sets, 205 for last 6 sets.
    * Shoulder is really bothering me and isn't getting better. It's holding me back on anything overhead which is frustrating.

    - 2:59
    - 3:20
    - 3:55
    * I felt like I kept a good pace on these rounds. I estimated losing some time each round as fatigue started to set in, but I think I was pretty consistent and I'm happy I was able to finish... My runs were 1:29, 1:38, and 1:45... Went unbroken on the first 2 sets of thrusters, went 10/5 on the third... went 8/4/3 on the first and , 5/3/3/2/2 on the last 2 sets for pullups

  6. A: 135lbs need to work on bouncing out of the bottom.
    B 80lbs working on my form. It is slightly better.
    C. Wasn't able to complete any rounds. 65lbs thruster. First round got to 10 C2B, 2nd round got to 4 C2B and third round got to 5 C2B. I need to work on linking at least two C2B as doing singles takes a lot of time.

  7. A. only made it up to 150#
    B. worked at 130#
    C. made the first round. Did not make the other two rounds but still finished them. Finished probably 2 mins after the time cap.
