Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 17, 2014

Every two minutes for 12 minutes:
Front Squat x 2 reps (5-10 lbs heavier than last week)

5 sets of:
Hang Clean + Jerk
rest as needed

CrossFit Games Open 11.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat Clean (165/110 lbs)
Jerk (165/110 lbs)


  1. A. 120# -> 145#
    B. 100# -> 130#
    C. 28 reps total, squat cleans slowed me down. I kept on wanting to do power cleans.

  2. A: 275, " ", " ", 285, 295
    * FS felt pretty good today. Trying to stay more vertical.

    B: 185, 205, 215, 225, 235
    * Speed felt good. Tried to get my feet moving flatter without the donkey kick. Jerks felt good except the twinge of pain in my left shoulder.

    C: 64 total reps
    * Did squat clean push jerks the whole time. I hit 10 in the first minute and then just tried to keep a steady pace. Could've hit that last clean but I forgot they were scored separately so that cost me.

    D: practiced bar muscle ups at the end. Hit 4 doubles and 4 singles so that was pretty good. It's all about timing and patience for me.

  3. A. 285 all sets
    B. #135 cleans are getting better and I'm landing wide and stable on the jerk but now I need to work on keeping my torso more vertical and not over extending my lumbar. If it's not one thing it's another....stupid Rene.
    C. 36 total reps. Not being able to land with all four fingers and having to rerack is hard for me. Definitely going to practice that.

  4. A. 135, 145,145,145,150,150 Last week I used 135 for all sets and this week it felt alot easier I think i should have gone a little heavier

    B. 95, 115,115,125, 135 the last two sets were full cleans I apparentely have amnesia and forgot I was doing hang cleans...

    C. 40 points

  5. A) Did all sets at 110#
    B) Started at 80 lbs and only went up to 90#. Still having issues getting under the bar for my jerks once I hit 90 lbs and heavier.\
    C) 28 Points at 85lbs. I rested way to long, should have got more points
