Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 5, 2014

Take 15 minutes to work to a heavy Push Press


Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes:
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ heaviest push press weight

For time:
 5 Ground to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
10 Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
15 Ground to Overhead (115/75 lbs)
20 Ground to Overhead (95/65)

Use one barbell and work on quickly changing out the plates to get the right weight combinations…this has become a tested skill in both the Open and Regionals in the past few years.
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
5 Muscle Ups
40 Wall Ball Shots
4 Muscle Ups
30 Wall Ball Shots
3 Muscle Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots
2 Muscle Ups
10 Wall Ball Shots
1 Muscle Ups


  1. A: 135, 155, 185, 195, 205x, 205x
    * Shoulder was stiff and hurting at the beginning today. Thankful there's a rest day tomorrow I need to mobilize hardcore so it doesn't get injured.
    - Hit 195 on the split jerks, first one felt sloppy but they felt fine after that.

    B: 5:45
    * I accidentally did more weight than I was supposed to but I still finished well and kept a good pace. I did 135 for 15 and 115 for 20. Went all singles at 185, hit 4 and doubles at 155, hit 5, 4, 3, 3 at 135, and hit 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 at 115.

    C: 16:00
    * I would've liked to finish this under the cap, but considering how my body feels and that I'm still working on my MU, I'm glad I at least finished it. I missed a handful of reps but tried not to get discouraged.

  2. A:135, 155, 185, 195, 205missed, 205 missed. Happy with this since my last recorded push press max was 175. I hit the 195 for the splits jerks but like Jeff, very sloppy today. Last attempt or two started to feel a little better. working on exaggerating the bend of the back knee.

    B: 6:42 Pretty happy with this part B also. The 185 was heavy but went up without too much trouble. strung sets of 3-4 together after the 185 but was at singles for most of the other reps.

    C: 11:32
    Had a strategy to do 10 wallballs followed by 5 sec rest. That worked for the first round but as fatigue set in, my gameplan switched to just sets of 5 followed by a quick rest. I managed the first set of 5 MU unbroken. I think the set of 4 was 2-2 and then as it went on it was singles. No misses. Pretty pleased with my pace through this one. Shoulders are definatly ready for some recovery!!!

    Awesome job today Jeff with the MU!!!!!

  3. A: Worked up to 90lbs. My split jerk was not quite on point. Need to keep working on my footing.
    B: 7:37 90lbs,70lbs, 60lbs,50lbs. Meant to do the 80lbs but got confused on the wight so i ended up lighter then i wanted.
    C: Did chest to bar and ring dips. Used the black band on the dips. 147 reps.I was able to do all my chest to bars, this made me very happy.

  4. A: strict press95,115,135, push press 155,175,185,195, failed 205
    B: 7:25 I messed up on weights and did 185,155,135,115
    C12:37 the wall balls got tough, only broke the 4 set of muscle ups

  5. A: 45,115,135,185,205, failed at 215
    B: 7:15 felt good
    C: 194 reps cant do mu so 2 to 1 chest to bar and ring dips

  6. A. 95, 105,115,125,130 and failed at 135
    did the 5 min emom at 130

    B. 7:19 and I didnt have trouble with the math surpsingly enough
    c. 11:03 I did banded muscle ups with the skinny black band. I did basically all sets of 10 wall balls and felt like it was agoood pace. Did muscle up work after

  7. A. 130#
    B. Had five reps to go at the time cap. Finished them up.
    C. 14:00 wall balls are not my jam but I'm working on it.

  8. Good rest night before.
    A. 185# push press. I think w a little more time I could set new max over 200. 1 jerk @ 145# the rest at 165#. I really doubted myself after last Saturday. I couldn't even get 135 overhead then. my technique is improving but needs a lot of work. I could have done the 185# and have no idea why I didn't.
    B. 40 reps is what my board said but it has been a few days since this workout. Let this be a lesson to me to log my results sooner. I am not sure where I finished in this workout. I know I was doubting getting the 185 to the clean position for the over head. That seemed to be the theme for the day...self doubt. I know that I loaded the bar incorrectly for the 115 set and lost time there. I really tried to focus on my form even under the pressure of time constraints.
    C. Completed 26 of the 30 count wallballs. The wallballs felt good today. nice pace but can definitely be more efficient. Ring dips and chest to bars flat out kicked my ass.
    The list of things to improve on keeps growing as I continue to attend these classes. that's why I am here.

    Thanks Scott for the vote of confidence in me getting that 185 overhead and to Drew for the coaching during it.
