Monday, February 10, 2014

February 11, 2014

Three sets, not for time of:
Kipping Handstand Push Up x 12-15 reps
Double Unders x 40-50 reps
Alternating Pistols x 10-12 reps

6 sets of:
Hang Snatch + Snatch
rest as needed

For Time:
5 Muscle Ups
10 Snatches (155/105)
30 Burpees over the barbell
20 Snatches (135/85)
20 Burpees over the barbell
30 Snatces (95/65)
10 Burpees over the barbell
5 Muscle Ups

Spend 8-10 minutes on an Erg or AirDyne (Target Zone-Z2)

As written by James "OPT" Fitzgerald
recommended %'s and zones as per prescription
Target Zone Suggested Intensity
Z1 65-74%
Z2 75-84%
Z3 85-90%
Z4 91-96%
Z5 97-100%


  1. A: Complete
    * HSPU are getting better so that's good. I can get consistent sets of 5-7 now. My DU sucked! I don't know what the deal is but I just couldn't find the rhythm. Pistols are still fine but they seem a little more sluggish than they used to be probably because I haven't done them in a while.

    B: 135, 135, 45, 55, 65, 65
    * Speed felt good, trying to focus on bringing my elbows through and not looping it. Bottom position felt clean.

    C: 23:07
    * Even though I started with a double on the MU which was promising, they once again proved to be my downfall. Too many missed reps added minutes to my time which I can't afford. Snatches at 155 felt a little ugly but I pushed through it. 135 didn't feel too bad and 95 felt light and I tried to remember not to over pull on light weight. The burpees over the bar were torching my legs so that sucked.

    D: Me and scott did 2 miles on the air dyne at between 68-70 strokes

  2. A. My handstand push ups are getting better, I used 1 ab mat, next time I will not use the ab mat. DU are getting more consistent, I can finally do about 30 unbroken. Still working on the form of the pistols but they felt good.
    B. I used 50#, 60#, 65#, 70#, 75#, 80#
    C. This was a good one!! I had to scale the weight, I used 70#, 60#, and 55#, I also scaled the muscle ups by doing 3 pull ups and 3 ring dips for 1 muscle up. Finished in 20:26.
    Then went right into 10 minutes on the air dyne.
    Thanks Kevin for doing this WOD with me!

  3. A) Needed two mats on HSPU. DU were so - so...avoiding platforms. Pistol form needs work. But mostly need more strength! :)
    B) I used 70# for all of my counted sets while trying to work on form. I am hopeful! Hehe. I think I need to push my knees back more so that I am not moving the bar around them. I think this'll help me maintain contact with bar.
    C) So HARD! But fun. Used 60# for all snatches. Burpee over barbell got really exhausting on the set of 20. Used 2 to 1 PU/RD for MU substitution. Finished in 18:06.
    D) Had to rush out to make it to class. Only 10 minutes late. Thanks to whoever put my bar away! ^_^

  4. A: HSPU were good. Unbroken on the first and then worked on cycling quicker. DU was one of those days where they just weren't going together. Pistols I still have to do while grabbing my foot for balance but Im able to complete them.

    B: 135, 135, 145, 155, 165, 165
    The final 2 rds at 165 were a struggle today. I missed several attempt both at the hang and the full. This is a weight I usually can pull without too much trouble. Definatly an off day.

    pretty happy with how I did on this portion. MU unbroken. Singles on the 155 snatch, opening set at 135 I think was 3 and then 3 and then went to singles, 95 was a couple of larger sets I think again at 5 and then 4 and again down to singles. But I was pretty happy with how I stayed steady on my pace with the singles. Burpees wore me down and feel I could've pushed the pace on the burpees maybe a little more. Last set of MU was 2 and then singles. I think I should've manned up here too and gone for unbroken on this last set of 5.

    D: rode the airdyne

  5. A. All HSPU were unbroken and the pistols were unroken as well. I had some issues with the double unders but the last set was unbroken.

    B. 65# (2 sets) 75# (sets) 85# (2 sets) failed one full clean at the 85 and a hang clean at 75# felt pretty off today

    C. 28:52 I did 5 sets of 3 chest to bars and 3 dips in place of muscle ups and the first weight on snatches had me failing about 20 reps just trying to get the ten. IT was a rough one but im glad i finished

    D> ran 3 miles

  6. A: still working on kipping hspu's, could only string a few together, du and pistols were really smooth, all unbroken
    B: Worked up to 115, left shoulder really sore, need to work on pulling myself under the bar and being comfortable with the catch
    C: subbed strict pullups and DB snatches 70# DB, then 50#, then 40#, bar over burpees rx'd, total time 13:42, even the 70# DB snatches felt good, very encouraging.
