Monday, February 3, 2014

February 4, 2013

Three Sets Not For Time:
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 12-15 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 12-15
Unbroken Double Unders x 40 reps
*Make note whether or not these were unbroken in one set. Max, two attempts and then move on.

Five sets of:
2-Position Snatch @ 70-75%
(Hi-Hang and 2” off the ground)
rest as needed

For 12 sets (30 minutes):
30 seconds Max Distance on AirDyne
15 seconds rest/transition
45 seconds of Ring Dips
15 seconds rest/transition
30 seconds of Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
15 seconds rest/transition


  1. A. Did the handstand push ups in sets of 8 and 7. I worked on a new kipping technique. Aside from the first set of toes to bar I kept them at 12 unbroken I feel a little better but they still need work. All the double unders were unbroken

    B. I used 75# for all 5 sets. I did notice snatches hurt the strange bump on my hand a little more but I got them done.

    c. I did Part c. usually kept to around .06 on the bike. 8-9 dips and 12 box jump overs.

  2. A: did 15 handstand push ups. Got one round unbroken. 15 t2b all unbroken. Broke up my double unders in two sets. Completed them all.
    B: was at UNR and it was crazy crowded, no room to lift at all. So I rowed 2000m did a few muscle ups and worked on c2b cycling.
    C: no time had to go to class.

  3. A: All sets complete.
    * PR'd on my HSPU with 10 in a row on my third set... toes to bar felt good... all sets of DU unbroken.

    B: All sets at 135
    * wanted to use a little bit lighter weight in order to work on form and keep the speed quick. Still need to work on my scarecrow.

    C:497 total reps (41 reps/round avg.)
    * I was getting 12-14 reps on everything consistently. Was obviously tired but still felt good continuing movement without stopping.
