Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 19, 2014

Three Sets of:
Rack Jerk x 3 reps

Increase load by 5-10 lbs from last week

Every two minutes, on the minute for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Push Jerks x 5-7 reps

Practice the barbell cycling techniques we've discussed.

In Teams of 3, For Time:
100 Handstand Push Ups
100 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
100 Pull-Ups
100 Overhead Squats (95/65)
100 Toes-2-Bar
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
*2/1 Muscle Ups in between each movement per person

-30 minute time cap


  1. A: 155, 185, 205
    * Rack jerks felt good but I still get that twinge of pain in my left rear delt which has been bugging me. I need to see that chiro soon

    B: 135 x 7 for all sets.
    * Cycling was smooth and easy aside from the shoulder pain.

    C: 28:53
    * Our communication was practically non-existent at the beginning of the workout which was bad. We started communicating and counting down more as the workout progressed, but our transitions could have been a little faster as well. Gameplan should have been reworked as well. I should have started on the muscle ups each round so we didn't have to take as much rest time between that I needed. We needed to make it where Scott or adrienne were finishing up each movement so I could be ready at the rings to hit a single, let them hit theirs while I rested, and then hit my second single with little transition time.

  2. A. 60#, 80#, 105# (only hit two and failed the third on the last set of three)

    B. 95#, I was able to do 5 reps consistently. I did 6 on the last set.

    C. We did not finish in the time cap, but made it all the way through till the box jumps and got 5 box jumps.

  3. A: 135 - 175 I really need to work on re wracking weights back on my shoulders
    B: 135 first 3 sets 155 last two sets
    C: team had a positive mood though out the workout, we had great communication on hand stands, snatches, and overheads. communication broke a little on pull-ups and toe to bar but we kept a good phase though out.

  4. A.135,135,155
    B.135 all sets
    C. Got to 74 toe 2 bars. Partners were Karen and Yuli. The transitions were quick except on the overheads due to our own inabilities to actually perform the movement. Other than that the communication was good. Muscles need to be worked on for all of us since it slowed us down to perform 3 attempts each instead of 2/1.

  5. A. 95, 95, 145

    B. 135# 6,5,6,5,7 Started rough but smoothed out as the rounds continued. focused on form and getting bar up off bounce from rack.

    C. Our team made it thru 17 toes to bar. This was an excellent communication exercise. I really learned a lot. Good work team.

  6. Rack jerks felt okay I was able to get 120# up relatively easily I need to work on my jerk and dropping under the bar a lot quicker

    B. 95# for all rounds 5 reps each round these felt good today

    C. Kevin and I were a team of 2 and only did 70 reps between the two. Neither of us could do muscle ups and did 3 attempts instead. I had a couple of close instances but Im still not quite there. Our communication was actually okay we still took too long on transitioning however. It became pointless to count down to let each other know but still take 3 seconds to start again. We will need to work on transition times for sure. Overall greeat work out and team effort and awesome pointers from our coaches!
