Monday, February 24, 2014

February 25, 2013

Three sets for times of:
25 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs/14 lbs)
rest 3 minutes

5 sets for times of:
12 Hand-Release Push-Ups
12 Box Jumps (24"/20")
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53 lbs/35 lbs)
rest 3 minutes

As many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
7 Burpees
7 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders


  1. A. 5:56
    B. 9:31
    C. 5 rounds plus 8 reps, did all my double unders and toes to bar unbroken!

  2. Hahaha oh Adrienne misread it Brian! lol Good job though pushing through! :)

    - 1:10
    - 1:06
    - 1:09
    * I was pretty happy with this first portion, but there was still a few slip ups here and there. If I could have went through unbroken I could have dropped the time to around 60 sec.

    - 51 sec
    - 47 sec
    - 50
    - 44
    - 45
    * I felt like my hand release pushups got quicker as I went, but I kind of overdid it on the box jumps, Just trying to really push the envelope on the box caused some slight inaccuracy and I missed a couple reps. Had to calm myself down.

    C: 7 rds + 3 burpees (248 total)
    * Came out quick in the first 3 rounds hitting everything unbroken, and then settled into a good pace. Slowed the burpees down just a hair, started going either 4/3 or 3/2/2 on the T2B, then had to move to a 3 and singles approach on the last 2 rounds.

  3. A. . I used a 25# wall ball and had some issues with my double unders today

    B. used a 40# kb felt really good. 5:59

    c. I really need to work on staying calm with the toes to bar. I had to break them into 4 and 3 I really slowed down in thhis one today i got 5 rounds and 7 reps
