Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 10, 2014

Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Front Squat x 3 reps

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes:
Clean x 1 rep

15 minutes on the clock:
10 rounds of "Cindy"

then, with the remainder of the time...

Find a max effort shoulder to overhead


  1. A:225, 235, 235, 245, 245
    Front squats felt really solid today.

    B: 225, 225, 225, 235, 235, 235, 245 for remainder of sets. Missed one of the attempts but really pleased with the 245 catching it in the bottom. Its been a long haul but Im really feeling comfortable receiving in the bottom.

    C: finished Cindy 7:43 Kept a solid pace and unbroken until the last 3 rds I had to break my pushups a couple times.
    overhead hit 185, then 205, couldnt get 215. My overhead needs some work. Footwork feels off and just still struggling to get under the bar with head and chest through.

    Overall felt really good today!!!

  2. A: 245, 255, 265, 75, 85
    * Front squats felt pretty good today except my wrist was hurting a little bit. Wasn't planning on going above 275 but it felt ok so I did.

    B: 205, 25, 25, 35, 35, 45, 45, 45, 55, 55, 65, 65
    * Cleans felt really good today. I felt my speed was good and I was feeling comfortable holding the bottom for a 1 count before standing up. 265 is the most I've done in our workouts.

    C: (7:12 cindy) 205, 225, 35, 45, 55, 65 (PR)
    * Cindy felt good, I was simply pushing to maintain a fast pace and I was able to do that. Went unbroken on the first 5 sets of pullups, but had to start going 5/3/2 after that but minimal rest in between... The split jerks were tough for the first couple just getting the feel back, but felt good after that and hit a PR with 2 secs left!

  3. A: Used 110# for the entire set. Felt fine - didn't want to re-strain my neck. Need to work on bouncing out of the bottom.

    B: Used 110#. Weight was easy to get under..but get very tired standing up out of squat. Need to work on pulling slow at bottom and keeping bar in contact with body.

    C: DNF. Almost finished 7 rounds. :( I did, however, RX my pushups for the first time ever... which is what slowed me down.

    Not so happy with today. Bu. Coming tomorrow with a fresher 'tude! XDXD

  4. A: 130#
    *Kept the weight lighter and focused on technique a bit more.

    B:100#, 110#, 115#, 120#, 125#, 130#
    *Cleans felt good once I got into a rhythm with them. Started to get heavy towards the end and "bouncing" out of the bottom was helpful.

    C: Cindy time: 13:28
    *Shoulder has been bothering me so I skipped the S2O and finished Cindy after the time was up. Cindy felt good. Didn't hit a wall until around round 6 or 7 and was able to do the pullups and air squats unbroken. Pushups were difficult and I know my form was horrible. But overall it was a good workout. Hoping to fix my shoulder enough to go back to overhead work.

  5. A: 245, 245, 275, 275, 275
    B: 135, 155, 175.....
    C: 8:43 Cindy was altered due to arm pain. Airdyned 5 calories instead of pull ups. Jerked 185, 195, 205.

  6. A. All sets at 135#

    B> 3 sets 115# 4 sets at 125# 5 sets at 135#

    c. 8:37 for cindy then 65# 95# 115# 125# 135#

  7. A: worked up from 125# to 140#
    B: worked up from 100# to 140# PR!!!
    C: 11:19 for Cindy, forearms and biceps were cramping the whole time. Hit 85# then 120#. Failed at 135# and not enough time to reset. Major Trex arms afterwards.

  8. A: 100lbs
    B:80lbs really need to work on my form
    C: 9 rounds only, 60lbs, 70lbs, 80lbs, 90lbs. Started at weight too light. Need to work on starting on the right weight.

  9. A) worked up to 105
    B) 85# to work on form.
    C) Finished at 11:20. Started at 70#, 80#, 90#. loaded 100# but didn't have time to finish the lifts. Little surprised I got under the bar so good with fatigued arms.

  10. A:195/195/195/195/205
    B: 165/165/165/165/175/175/175/175/185 (old PR)/195-pr/205-pr/215 pr!!!
    C: 10 rounds of cindy-11:30, then 95/115/125(f) Overhead was really weak after cindy, but a good learning experience
