Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 14, 2014

Every minute on the minute for, 10 minutes:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 90-95%

For Time:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Overhead Squats (135/95)
30 Handstand Push-Ups
40 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
50 Double-Unders

rest exactly 10 minutes



Try and match or better your score.


  1. A.235# felt like it got easier until last two sets.
    B. Running....5:45, 5:35 not my favorite thing to do but i am Definitly getting faster. Focused rest of time on the damn OHS. This is the first time for me to move that much weight overhead in the form of a squat. First set i think i miss counted but i definitly completed all 20 on second round. Sets of five. My shoulders are hurting now but will recover soon.
    Frustrating not being able to complete what is assigned but that will drive me on for the next chipper....

    Good work by all today..

  2. A. 345....this shit got fucking heavy. I can't remember the last time I grunted during a squat session.
    B. Only got through 19 pull ups. Second round. I only got through 12 pull ups. My shoulders were so fatigued from the over heads that my kips almost did nothing. I need to practice kipping more.

  3. A: All squats at 250, last set 260
    B: So......very humbling/frustrating 1st round 1000m run in 5:00, then only finished 13 OHS, round 2-1000m run in 4:22!, then 15 OHS. lots of room for improvement, OHS were more solid during the second round, better strategy

  4. A: Did 365 for all sets
    * Squat's felt ok, just wish I was a little stronger.

    - 14:21
    * Went 10/5/5 on the OHS, Tried to hit consecutive 3's on the HSPU, started with 10 and 5 on the pullups, then tried to keep 3-5 as long as possible.
    - 15:15
    * Tried to go 8/6/6 on the OHS but missed my last rep so I missed some time on that. Same strategy on the HSPU, but it took me 15-20 seconds to take off my wrist wraps that were bugging me so that's more time. Good day overall though.

  5. A. I used 175# for all the reps

    B. First round I got through 17 chest to bars. I had a hard time figuring out the ohs

    Second round I felt far more comfortable with the OHS did three sets of 5 then three and two. I got through 24 Chest to bars! Yay to beating yourself!

    great work out today!
