Friday, February 21, 2014

February 22, 2014

Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy snatch.

Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy clean and jerk

Team decided workout.

You guys make up the team and I want you guys to program whatever you want to do.


  1. A. 65 75 85 95 95 105 fail 105 fail 105 fail
    I felt really off today with this movement They were all solid fails but I know I can get it next time around

    B. 105, 115#, 125# 125# 135# 140# and a fail at 145# These felt good today overall

    c. 7 min of burpees I did 100

  2. A. 140
    B. 205
    C. The team was me, Rene, Devinee, and Katherine chosen by Scott. The workout was

    800m sandbag run alternating the bag with the team
    300 double unders total
    1 legless/leg rope climb
    100 wall ball shots #20(10')/#14(9')
    1 legless/leg rope climb
    50 log thrusters
    1 legless/leg rope climb
    800m sandbag run

    The team worked really well throughout the workout. Communication was great except during the last 10 wallballs which caused me to do one extra rope climb before my team was finished with the shots. Bad on my part. Shots were split 10 each twice then 5 once. The transitions were fast! Log thrusters were another strong one for us...we did 25, 15, 10. Where we lost time was the last run but good time overall.
    Total time was 21:04

  3. A: Worked up to 135#. Felt really good, I was basically power snatching. The first two pulls felt good, I just need to keep improving on the third pull, getting under the bar quicker and being comfortable under more weight in the bottom.
    B: Did not do, shoulder pain started to flare up on the last couple of snatches
    C:Did the following workout:
    800M Team Sandbag Run
    300 Double Unders
    1 Legless Rope Climb each
    100 Wall Ball Shots
    1 Legless Rope Clinb
    50 Log Thrusters
    1 Legless Rope Climb
    800M Run


    I felt good through the whole workout until we started the last 800 M Run, then I felt like I hit a brick wall. Thanks to my team for keeping me moving. Fun workout

  4. A: Was able to PR at 85lbs.
    B: 12lbs. Getting up from the front squat was hard i had to bounce out of it.
    C: Did the following workout:
    800M Team Sandbag Run
    300 Double Unders
    1 Legless Rope Climb each
    100 Wall Ball Shots
    1 Legless Rope Clinb
    50 Log Thrusters
    1 Legless Rope Climb
    800M Run


    Has some problems with my double unders. Wish i could have done more. On the last run it was hard for me to keep up but i didn't want to slow the team so I kept pushing as much as I could.


  5. B: Hit 255 on the clean n jerk, another PR!

    C: The team workout was:
    - 800 m sandbag run
    - 300 DU
    - 1 rope climb each (legless for men)
    - 100 wall balls
    - 1 rope climb each
    - 50 alternating log thrusters as a team
    - 1 rope climb
    - 800 m sandbag run
    --> 26:38
    * Communication could have been a little better but it was just a few of the elements that held the team back.
