Monday, March 9, 2015

March 10, 2015

Build to a technique 3rm Split Snatch 

3 rounds of:
8 Snatches (155/100lbs)
2:00 max row for calories
Rest 2 minutes 

Rest 5 minutes

2 rounds of:
8 Clean Grip Deadlifts 
50 cal bike
Rest 1 minute

Rest 5 minutes

8 minute AMRAP:
5 Burpee Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Toes to Bar

100 ft of Handstand Walking
50 Roll to Candlesticks


  1. A: 155
    * Split snatches just feel weird and awkard. I was actually even landing in a full lunge on a few of the reps. I could see it helping your speed under the bar.

    1) 3:22 (40 cal)/ 3:11 (42 cal) / 3:19 (42 cal)
    2) 2:24 / 2:16
    3) 6 + 7

    * The first set of snatches didn't feel that smooth, but the next two got better... Row felt fine.
    * The clean grip deads were good @255 and I tried to stay right around 80 rpm for the bike.
    * Originally, I thought it was regular chest to bar pullups; then I realized it was burpee chest to bar which obviously switched my gameplan up a bit. I kept a 10 sec rest between pullups and toes to bar, and I also broke the T2B; I went 5/5 , 5/3/2 , and then 4/4/2 for the rest of the sets.

    C: Did 5 sets of 20 ft walk and 10 candles

  2. A: Time was short since I had to stay late at work but had to get into class by 4 so this part was not completed.. It will be made up on thursday.

    B: 1.) 3:57/37 cals, 4:02/41 cals, 4:16/42 Cals. Snatches started rocky and heavy but got a lot more fluid as I got into them. Made sure to get nice hard pulls because my legs are uber sore from yesterdays work.

    2.) 3:36/3:29, Deadlift was done at #295 kept fast singles but had to slow down because stupid belt kept coming undone.

    3.) 4 rounds, grip sucked for this portion but managed 4 rounds using a mix grip on the T2B, sets started 5/3/2 and quickly moved to 3-2's.

    C.) Was not completed since I had to rush to class... Hand stand holds will be done on Thursday.
