Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2, 2015

Since most (all) of you didn't front squat Friday, I'll replace it for the Back Squats today.

4 sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps

4 sets of:
Split Jerk x 3 reps

As many rounds and reps as possible, in 12 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
12 Box Jumps (24"/20")
6 Handstand Push Ups
*Don't go overboard on the BJ's but I still want you moving with good mechanics/speed


  1. ** I actually decided to give 15.1 and 1.a another go this morning to see if I could better my score. I switched up the game plan a little bit and the goal was to hit at least 185 again, but hit 285 on my clean n jerk. I went 7/5/3 on the t2b through 5 rounds but had to go 6/4/3/2 on the 6th round because my grip was going. Kept the deads steady. and went quick singles on the snatches... on the clean n jerks I went 225/255/285x/285x. Looking back at it, I should have given myself only one attempt at 285 so I could take advantage of more rest.

    A: 225/255/275/305
    * I was happy with my front squats especially after that rough workout.

    B: 225 for all sets
    * Kept it a little lighter and just working on technique and speed under the bar.

    C: 5 rounds
    * My dubs were not very good today because my forearms were shot from earlier. Bounded on the box jumps... tried to hit between 1-3 strict hspu on each round.

  2. A: 225/255/275/275 Squats felt solid but got heavy.

    B: 135/155/185/215 All felt pretty solid.

    C: 3 rounds 28 D.U.'s. Double under are a huge weakness but are getting better, cycled box jumps at a good pace only fell off the wall maybe twice because of a crappy kip.

  3. A: 110-120-125-130 Felt good but the weight was on the heavy side.
    B: 90-100-110-120 spit jerk felt clean for once.
    C: 6 rounds +10. I was able to go unbroken on 4 sets of the DU's more than I thought. Did 4 sets of the handstand unbroken.

  4. A: 205, 225, 245, 255 this felt heavy.
    B: 155, 175, 195, 195
    C: 7 + 25 only broke one set of DU kept a good tempo on the jumps and push-ups.
    Finally feeling a little better by chest didn't feel like it was on fire and my breathing felt a lot better.
