Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 17, 2015

In 8 total attempts:
Find a max power clean 

2 sets of:
Max reps touch and go clean (75% of A)
-rest as needed

3 sets of:
20 Cal Row
20 Toes to Bar
20 Handstand Push Ups
-rest 2 minutes

As many Rounds and Reps as possible in 8 minutes:
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
15 Box Jumps
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
10 Box Jumps
10 Shoulder to Overhead (175/135)
5 Box Jumps
Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead (205/135)


  1. A: 135, 165, 185, 205, 225, 235 x3 failed both times.
    B: 185 x 8 and x 6
    C: 14:35 total time
    Calorie per pull on all rounds, all 10's on first 2 rounds last round had to go 10,5,5 on all sets.
    D: finishes all box but ran out of time to try any of the 205 weights

  2. A: 135/ 185/ 205/ 225/ 245/ 255x/ 255/ 265x
    * I still struggle with power cleans. I need to start practicing a lower receiving position on the lighter weights so it's not such a surprise when I get up to the heavier loads.

    B: 14 (1:05)/ 14 (:53)/ @190#
    * These were definitely tiring but it was good to test how long your power and grip can hold out.

    C: 2:59 / 3:13 / 4:17
    * The row was fine each set... went 10/5/5 for the first two and 13/7 for the last set of t2b ... I hit 13, 10, and 8 reps to start each round of hspu and had to break it up from there, but I'm happy with those.

    D: 5 reps @205
    * Box jumps were fine... my initial goal was to go unbroken on all of the s-oh, but I had to drop the 10th rep at 175. Frustrating! lol
