Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14, 2014

5 Sets of:
Power Snatch + Snatch

3 Sets of:
Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift + Snatch Pull

Back Squat
Set 1 - 60%x8
Set 2 - 65%x6
Set 3 - 70%x6
Set 4 - 70%x6

20-15-10 reps for time:
Box jump - mid-thigh
DB muscle snatch - (25% of best bar MS each)


  1. A: 65, 65, 85, 85, 95 I haven't done snatch work for while, so I kept my sets really light and worked on my form....keeping my chest up, knees back, and moving my feet out. Lots of room for improvement, but getting better
    B: 115, 135, 135
    C: 195, 205, 225, 225-got really heavy at the end
    D: 5:28 note to self, don't alternate unless specified, much faster to use the same arm

  2. A: 135, 155, 155, 155, 175 Worked alot on making hard contact with the hip. Had a couple of reps that really felt effortless as they should when done right.

    B: 205, 205, 205

    C: 190, 210, 240, 240 Felt Good

    C: 4:42 Alternated on the snatch only a few times. Just glad I was successful on all the box jumps. Shins in tact!!!

  3. A) snatched at 50lbs and 60lbs. My high hang snatches allow me to properly snatch versus pulling from the floor. Drew helped me delay my pull and stayed at a lighter weight to make sure I passed through all the positions. My snatches felt consistent and passed through each position. Yay!

    B) 95lbs. My poor thumbs

    C) 4:37. Used a 24 inch box (tallest I've ever done) and 20 lbs DB. I never alternated the snatches. Happy I got through the box jumps.

  4. Monday
    65# 75# 85# 85# 95#
    I have a really hard time power snatching so I decided to really drill
    my form and work on hitting each postition. I was excited after 4
    fails at 95# power snatched I finally got it at the end!

    95# halting snatch grip I feel I should have probably gone heavier but
    I really tried to make sure it I was feeling the proper positions

    130# *8
    140# *6
    150# *6
    150# *6
    Overall the backsquats felt really good today Im happy to get some
    higher rep schemes in there

    35# dumbell

    I did not have a box jump so instead i did tuck jumps. I used a 35# dumbell
