Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 28, 2014

5 sets:
Power Snatch + Snatch (1+2)

5 sets:
Snatch Grip Push Press x 5 reps

Back Squat 

1 mile TT


  1. A: 135, 155, 165, 175, 185
    * Some of the lighter sets still gave me trouble. I feel like my pulls were good, but hitting a solid landing was difficult on a few of the reps. I tried to focus on slowing down the first pull which helped my second pull.

    B: 135, 145, 155, 165, 165
    * Went from the blocks on these and dropped it after each rep, but these felt good.

    C: 280, 300, 325, 345, 355
    * Squats felt good today. Went 10 lbs heavier on the last set to push it a little bit.

    D: 6:39
    * The mile felt good and I'm happy with that time. I went out pretty hard for the first 400, then settled into a steady pace for the middle 800, and went as hard as I could for the last 400.

    E: Scott and I hit some bar muscle up practice at the end. We went 5/4/3/2/1 alternating sets and we went all unbroken. A new PR for me at 5!

  2. Messed up my elbow doing OHS on Friday so I avoided overhead work but instead did some snatch grip high pulls.

    C: 115#, 125#, 135#, 150#
    *Beginning to really enjoy squatting and today felt really good.

    D: 7:47
    *Pacing with Kevin the whole time forced me to run faster then what I normally would be comfortable with. Went out strong but came back stronger.

  3. A. 5 sets of touch and go power snatch plus 2 snatches
    65# 75# 85# 95# singles and then 95# touch and go
    I felt pretty good this was the first time I power snatched 95# so I was pretty excited. I feel like my speed is coming along

    B. 5 sets 5 reps snatch grip push press. I wasnt sure how these would feel but I realized I should have gone heavier
    95# 95# 105# 115# 125#

    Back squats felt great
    140# 6 reps
    150# 6 reps
    161# 6 reps
    170# 5 reps
    170# 5 reps

    Timed mile 6:42!! yay!
